
It reminds me of Howard Stern’s question to me. ‘Tell me, governor, what happens to us when we die?’ I said, ‘Nothing. You’re 6 feet under. Anyone that tells you something else is a f—ing liar.’

I said, ‘We don’t know what happens with the soul and all this spiritual stuff that I’m not an expert in, but I know that the body as we see each other now, we will never see each other again like that.


The former California Gov. said he had lost about 15 friends from back in his bodybuilding days in the last two decades and the tragic reality of our finite time on earth forced him to shift his perspective on the possibility of an afterlife.

“When people talk about, ‘I will see them again in heaven,’ it sounds so good, but the reality is that we won’t see each other again after we’re gone. That’s the sad part. I know people feel comfortable with death, but I don’t,'” he said.

Do note that Arnie never said anything about Jesus or Christians, he just said he doesn't believe in heaven.

Choice comments:

FOOL!! You "seek the guidance of a higher power" BUT REFUSE to BELIEVE IN THE SCRIPTURES!!! WHO MADE the HUMAN BODY? You were an "accident"? The brain? All an accident? The eye?? All an accident? The right amount of oxygen for humans to breathe in the atmosphere? All an accident?? Earth rotates around sun at best distance from it. All an accident?? Where is the person with 3 eyes or 2 noses or ears in front, if evolution is random?????? Does not exist!!!!! GET YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT.

You're at Judgement Day and there's Pelosi, kneeling at the left-hand side of the Lorde, whispering in his ear.

You ok?


How is spending eternity with your relatives you couldn't stand to be around on Thanksgiving Heaven? rofl. Think about it. Or praising Jesus for a zillion years every day? yeah real fun.

you've never been truly loved, have you? but you can have that experience with your Creator. It is up to you though

Could you please work out your daddy issues in private, peepeey? Could you please stop taking out your hatred for him on God? Thanks.

If you bothered to read more, you'd know that is simply not a fact. Though believe what you want! :) The only people stopping you are the nutjob Lefties, Woketards, and Communists. (uh...btw...I'm a staunch Conservative...and I don't believe there is a god)

You may have some conservative views, but you are not a conservative. You just displayed the fact you have nothing to conserve, Cheung. And there are at LEAST twelve historical figures who wrote about Jesus' life and work. Were they ALL lying, and YOU are the one telling the truth? Not ONE honest historian still denies the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth, knucklehead. There is simply too much evidence to deny that.

Also the Bible has predicted perfectly what has taken shape here in America and around the world on text that are over 2,000 years old.

It must have been such a miserable life for Arnold pretending to be a Republican while living like a Democrat. Democrats bring you misery.

While he lives there still remains hope for him.

Living a full life, experiences and faith have displayed to me there is a God, there is life after death and eternity in either Heaven or Heck. Choose wisely because there is no do-overs

Perhaps you should choose better. You follow a false god. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when you stand before the gods. Why take the chance? Because wow if you are wrong you will be tormented by the gods for all eternity.

>being a LARPagan :marseylaugh:

The closest I can come to believing in heck is listening to a democrat. :chudsmug:

"There is no afterlife and “anyone that tells you something else is a f—ing liar.” You know who else said this? HITLER! :marseypearlclutch:

and billions of others with shedloads of common sense

So Hitler has common sense, just like you?

And now we see him for the proud elitist socialist he really is. They believe in nothing and neither should anyone else. Hope doesn't exist, now shut up and suffer, peasants.

New Snappy quote dropped.

The saddest words that will be heard (over and over again) on Judgement Day: “But Lord, I THOUGHT…” They “thought.” They “thought” God didn’t exist, nor Heaven, nor Heck. They “thought” that things that their conscience clearly told them were wrong, were right. They “thought” that science had all of the answers. They “thought” they could be their own god…


Next: Arnold declares himself to be God. Because, to be able to assert 100% certainty that there is no Heaven, no Heck, and no God, you would have to be, well… God. Think about it for a moment…

"Donald Trump on Wednesday proudly quoted a messenger who said he was “the second coming of God,” and he described himself as “the chosen one,” looking up at the sky."

Anything the WP says, I automatically take with a grain of salt, given their track record for CIA inspired BS. Anyway, IF he said it :marseycope: , he’s wrong too. The job of Supreme Deity is already filled, and He can’t be fired from the position…

There's a video of him saying it on that link I gave. Nice quote about the Deity!

He’s also known to say things like that to troll the media that he knows hates him. The same way rockstars say completely outlandish things sometimes, when they’re messing with or annoyed by an interviewer… :marseycope:

Drumpf is the AntiChrist.

i hope thats true, i can be happy never seeing or hearing from you forever. why cant you start now arnold and do us all a favor.

wow. you want this man to not exist because you disagree with him on some trivial issue? wow

Since when did Herr Muscle Brain fashion himself a philosopher and theologian?

and when he is in heck just 1 second begging for a drop of water it will be too late eternity is for ever.

Yes & AMEN

any proof of claim you idiot ?


I got a good chuckle out of that exchange :marseylaughpoundfist:

Funny though how they worship lucifer who was created by GOD! But there's nothing after

He is free to believe what he likes, he will get dose of reality when he dies, just like every other naysayer that has ever lived

Sorry, “belief” is not evidence.

talk to people that deal with the dying and the dead... they'll give you plenty of evidence.

No such evidence exists. Try again.

the fact you only choose to listen to those you already agree with is the height of ignorance. talking to someone who has experienced something so earth shattering as to change absolutely everything about themselves overnight is more than just evidence... it's proof, imo. takes months to years to brainwash someone into believing something... now explain how one experience can change a person instantly... I'll wait

Sorry, it’s your claim that evidence come from the “dead and dying” and “…he will get a dose of reality when he dies.” The burden of proof is on your shoulders to support your claim with verifiable, independent, objective evidence. Otherwise, you’re just deceived by your own confirmation bias. I can wait.

I see you're a typical lefty dingleberry that lies to make their case... care to not lie, and try again, becky?

needs to move to a deserted island with Greata A life ill spent, he is hoping for oblivion.

Imagine the conversations between those two. Makes my skin crawl. Arnie: I’m here to pump you up. Greta: How dare you?!?

Boomer :quote: humor :quote:

Arnold is a product of commie hollywood so no one would expect him to believe in The Lord, Jesus Christ, GOD. Arnold's actions during his life show that he is a dark path kind of guy.


He doesn't know but he knows? Arnold is confused, he might have the Biden Flu.

The bible is a fantasy book and certainly teaches you some positive emotions and thoughts but thats about it. Its like a bed time book story. :marseyfedoratip:

Boy are you going to be surprised. I applaud your bravery. God will not be mocked. :gigachadjesus:

Arnold Schwarzenegger..........FAILED TO HIDE HIS NAZI OVERTONES!!!


He’s correct. Define death please. I’m waiting… :marsey57:

You define death since you believe there is no afterlife. I’m waiting… :!marsey57:

Nobody knows with certainty and anybody claiming they know the truth is a fool. For all we know there can be some third option nobody ever mentioned that happens

World-renowned theologian Justin has spoken. And the kid has decided once and for all that we can't know. We should just give up. With that amount of certainty in his uncertainty, who are WE to disagree??? :marseyseethe:

Oblivion awaits us all..Deal with it!

Only if your a democrat!

The rest of the comments are just fundie :marseylongpost: that boil down to "Say Christ is king right now!" :marseyraging: or "If God isn't real then how come my church says otherwise?" :marseysmug:

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EFFORTPOST A comparison of different benzos

The word "Benzo" is used quite loosely, but different benzos can have considerably varying effects. In this thread, I'll try to explain them. It's a quick one and I don't give too much of a shit about quality. Normally I'd give an introduction on what benzos are along with a quick discussion concerning GABA receptors, but today is not that type of day. I currently have at least one of each benzo I'm about to mention, not necessarily from the same source but most are from one source. I've never bought them off the streets, all prescribed legally. My psychiatrist hands out benzo prescriptions all the time. He diagnosed me bipolar with ADHD and OCD.

On that note, I'd like to mention that I threw away my razors, but that's only heightened my intrusive thoughts of cutting myself. When I had the choice, there was some comfort in that. Now with no razors available, cutting myself is suddenly all I want to do. I may purchase new ones, get the slicing over and done with, then put them away.

Let's begin.

1. Midazolam

Personally, this is my favorite benzo. Its effects are pretty close to what people imagine when they think of benzos but this is a little different. Let's start with the basics, bucko. It'll put your butt to sleep. Maybe you can stay awake a bit at a low dose (15mg) but at 30mg your butt is grass in about twenty minutes or less.

When it hits you will not be able to walk. I repeat - your ability to walk will be disabled. You will fall everywhere, worse than a crippled man whose cane has been stolen. Whatever you're imagining, it's worse. Worse than a drunken teen who can't walk straight. This is more like swaying until your head hits the wall hard. During this time, you will feel euphoric. Enjoy it. I've found it's not really fun to listen to music or eat. Instead, have a pen and paper ready or a document open on your PC and try to record your thoughts. Half of it is nonsense, but you'll be surprised at the kinds of things that will surface - your kinks, past trauma, even your favorite video game lol.

Within the following ten minutes, your capacity to have memories will completely vanish. You will continue to do things, perhaps prepare a meal for yourself, send an unintelligible text to your mom, or put the dishes in the washing machine. It really depends on whether an angel or goblin is within you that day. The goblin will make you do foolish things (often messy) while the angel will make you do ordinary everyday things, but for no reason.

Then it's lights out. Don't worry, you will sleep in your bed. Even if you have to crawl, your Midazolam brain will still know where your bed is and you will tuck yourself in. I took 30mg last night. I'm not a druggie, my psychologist literally called me and told me to (her father is a psychiatrist so she sometimes helps me with med doses even though she technically shouldn't). I haven't been sleeping well because of life anxieties (losing my job) and because I'm choosing not to at times (like literally just sleeping for an hour and then getting back to some freelance work I've found. I just don't want to sleep). She's afraid it's going to trigger mania so she wants me to get a minimum of 6 hours. Not happening.

I made food for myself, took it upstairs and placed it next to my PC, then went to bed. I don't remember anything else. I only had a few hours of sleep because I woke up at midnight and have been up since then. I felt a sense of warmness and I knew I was still high as frick. I got out of bed, tried to walk, and failed. I wanted to take the tray of food downstairs but even with slow steps I fricked up and dropped it, leaving a mess I had to mop up. I don't want to sleep tonight so I won't be taking another double dose. Just 15mg which affects my gait but doesn't knock me out. Maybe I won't take one at all. Frick sleep.

2. Alprazolam

Commonly known as Xanax. This is what most people mean when they say the word "benzo". When I was in the psychiatric ward, it was routine for everyone to get a slow-release dose in the morning to lower anxiety. It gives you this calm sense of "everything is going to be alright", like the Bob Marley song lol.

Yeah, it puts you in a good mood, but it is sedating. Furthermore, at least personally, it doesn't frick with your memory too much, although you may black out if you mix it with alcohol. Even my psychologist said she likes Xanax and she was disappointed when she was weaned off it lol

It is also the benzo that is most like alcohol. It disorients you a bit, but it also takes away your filter, making you a little braver and less anxious. However, like alcohol, it fricks with your ability to act rationally. Consequently, when you see videos of people acting crazy at the airport or in a convenience store, it's most probably Xanax to blame. If you go to a doctor and complain about anxiety, this is what they'll give you.

In the black market, it is sold as a party drug. I wrote a story here about using Xanax to be brave enough to go to a nightclub.

I like Xanax but it doesn't take first place mostly because of how fast tolerance develops. You can quickly make popping 10 xannies a normal thing that just puts you in that heavenly zone. I'd argue it's the most dangerous benzo on this list for this reason.

3. Clobazam

In last place comes the shittiest benzo of all - Clobazam. This is the one I typically mix with Ambien if I want a good time (and a good sleep). I'll get an hour of euphoria followed by god knows how long of a blackout before I wake up the next day. It switches off your memory completely and at high doses you actually feel sick to your stomach. I'd be disappointed if this was prescribed to me, but I wouldn't complain. Currently, my prescriptions only include Xanax (slow release) and Dormicum (Midazolam). That reminds me, I need to try scraping the film off a Xanax to check if it'll hit more quickly and strike harder. I have to do personal testing because holy shit Google has become a fricking "safe zone" that makes it impossible to research forms of degeneracy. Try learning more about a drug or anything suicide-related and all you get are these "we're here to help you" sites. Frick off and just tell me the right way to do the drug if you actually want to keep me safe. Fricking Reddit's become my new search engine of choice. At least you get actual answers to shit like this.



Might as well give Ambien a mention even though it's not a benzo. I don't have much to say except they make you drowsy as frick and want to sleep, but it won't force you into bed. You can enjoy an ambien night, though you'll forget the tail end of it. I think ambien is the one pill that makes you do the stupidest things when you black out like text your dad nonsense or make shitposts here. The worst thing I did was send a work email that was due 3 times in a row. I've also posted nonsense in Groomercord channels lol. I didn't remember doing these things and only found I did them when I woke up.

The recreational value is pretty low. I now realize the few Ambiens I have left are the only ones I have because I don't go to that doctor anymore. So about 10 pills. It takes two pills to get to that ambien drowsiness that I guess feels kinda good if you genuinely can't sleep or are a stressed-out person. Personally, I think that if you're using them for off-label reasons, I think they're only good for mixing with a benzo.

Thanks for reading, if you did. If you have insults, please don't post them. Just block me instead.

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Rdrama is so white that we got scooped on this issue by fricking NBC News.

Joanna Georges, 22, of New Jersey, was excited to get her hair done. She had contacted Alexis Antoine on social media to get box braids, and paid the $100 deposit to secure her 6 a.m. spot on Antoine's schedule for Sept. 2. But the night before, Georges said, Antoine pushed her appointment, first to 8 a.m, then 9 a.m., then to 10 a.m. :marseysleep:

“I had a feeling after waking up and seeing my appointment was pushed back that it just wasn't going to work out,” Georges told NBC News. Still, she said she made the 20-minute walk to Antoine's home for the appointment, only to get no response from the stylist. :marseyw!alking:

“I'm just waiting outside her house for an hour,” she recalled. “I finally made my way home and she texted me, like, ‘I'm so sorry. I fell asleep.'” :gigachadqueen:

The botched appointment set off a monthslong ordeal, with Georges urging Antoine on social media to return her security deposit. Georges said Antoine repeatedly gave excuses for not sending back the money and continued to put it off. Unsuccessful, Georges ultimately decided to sue Antoine in small claims court in Hudson County's Superior Court of New Jersey. :marseysaulgoodman:

I figured there's got to be more so I searched "stylist" on /r/blackladies. And holy shit this is a hilarious cottage industry of random trashy bitches scamming people with their shitty dubiously licensed "small business" and I had no idea it was this bad. :marseyxd:

I have been looking to get my ends trimmed by one of the natural stylists. I dont wear my hair straight so I dont want to get it flat ironed for a trim plus it messes with the shape of the hair. All the places are $200. I have 2 inches of hair in the longest spots. I'm happy there are people offering the service and the knowledge is there but why dont any of these places have a middle ground.

I figured out why black women are poor :marseymindblown:

black hair stylist / braiders need to realize that their services are a LUXURY not a necessity because why am i being charged an extra $25 for being 5 minutes late? :marseyslowpoke:

these same stylist will be 10-20 minutes late to their appointments because they can't manage time and then charge the customer for being late. these stylists need to recognize that this is not a necessity. Even the necessary appointments give us a grace period, for FREE. the lack of customer service offered from a SERVICE is baffling to me. Plus, why is the cost for knotless braids like $200+ up now? :marseypoor:

If it's not a necessity than surely you can stop paying for it, right? :marseychartdowntrend: (pretend this is a demand curve)

There's a lot of reasons why I turned to YouTube University School of Cosmetology. :marseytv:

Incidentally this is the same school the stylist went to.

On the app some stylist don't release the location of their shop until 24-48 hrs before the appt so the day before I realized I still didn't know where the shop was. :marseymap: :itisamystery:

I'm not on enough levels of racism to understand why this could be :marseyracist: !chuds any ideas?

I booked a fulani braid for juneteenth two years ago on style seat. I live in phoenix az. It was 120 degrees outside she was an hour late because she was moving from her apartment. When she finally got there and Im boiling alive in my car, she says she needs lunch. WHY BOOK ME IF YOURE BUSY??? :marseyburn: :marseychonkerfoid!:

dude I'm busy lmao

Booked the appointment and sent her a message asking if I could book a blow out as well. She said yes but it would have to be a silk press. Fine, whatever. Booked the silk press ($125) in addition to the take down ($175). Then she messaged me asking if I wanted an Olaplex treatment and trim (extra $70+). I said no thank you, I just had a trim before I had my braids put in. :marseydisagree:

She continued to try and sell me on it as being healthy for my hair, and I just said thanks again, but I'm only interested in the take down and silk press. :marseymoney:

Then she said, "As a healthy hair stylist, that doesn't work for me. I'm cancelling both of your appointments". I asked her if she would just do the braid take down and she said no. :marseyragecomicfu: :gigachadqueen:

$300 deposit :marseymerchantelf:

Apparently these people do house calls:

We had an appointment yesterday for 9am and she texted me that she had arrived at 9:03 and there was no parking. I responded “no worries, take your time and hopefully something open up soon”

About 15 minutes later, I receive this text along with her leaving and me scrambling to find another braider:

“I've realized over the past year of service you in your home. There has been a lack of care for me as your stylist having proper parking. It would have been helpful as my client to make sure parking is available when I arrive to start in a timely manner. Unfortunately, I can't continue to service you anymore. I wish you the best in your future. God Bless. “


My appointment was for 8:30 [...] By 8:50am -9am, a woman shows up, opens the salon, shes not my stylist. :marseysus:

I introduce my self, sit on the couch and she tells me to sit in the salon chair so she can start my hair. I dont even know who she is and if she is able to even do my hair. So I comply because im desperate. Turns out to be my stylists cousin.

Then my stylist rolls in at 9:30 am, and AFTER eating, starts doing my hair around 9:50~ along with their cousin.

We really need a black :marseychonkerfoid:

I've never had a hair appointment start on time. Like you, I usually book the earliest appointment available. That way if I'm meant to be in the chair at 9:00 a.m. I know I'll at least get started by 10:30. It's an unfortunate part of the experience. :marseyslowpoke:

It truly is. I didnt eat breakfast, have coffee or even have water because I was running late. I know for next time.

This is how it would feel if you didn't eat breakfast. :marseyitsover:

Would you be offended if your stylist was on the phone the whole time they were doing your hair? I think maybe a 5 or 10 minute conversation but the whole time strikes me as unprofessional and not relaxing. :marseyphonecall:

i prefer it, less time i have to speak to them :marseyautism:

They may be black women but they're still redditors :marseysnoo:

There's no non-racist way to ask this but why don't they just do whatever they did back in slavery days

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  • forgotpw : Enabling piracy and IP infringement
EFFORTPOST Yuzu Setup for the Tech Illiterate

so with all the posts about Yuzu and seeing a few people confused how to get it setup (@Bussy-boy) I thought I'd just make it's own post

If you feel confident in following directions you can just directly use the guide I used here. I will be assuming you're on Windows 10/11 64 bit

For those of you who don't know, Yuzu is a Nintendo Switch emulator that recently got taken down. Someone has forked their source code luckily tho so you can still use it. There are other ways to play cracked Switch games but this seemed the easiest to me. Lets get started

Download Yuzu

You can download the Early Access build here. Just click the "" link and it will download a zip file. Extract the folder to wherever you feel like. Then open the extracted folder and run the yuzu.exe file. This should install the program and run itself, but you'll get a prompt about missing encryption keys

Encryption Keys

You will need an encryption key file to get the program working. You can download it here or DM me and I can send you the source since it's just text. Once it's downloaded, open Yuzu and go to File->Open Yuzu Folder. This will open the working directory for the program. What you need to do is put the prod.keys file in the keys folder (make sure if you opened it in notepad it didn't rename it to prod.keys.txt). Now restart Yuzu and there should no longer be a warning message.

(Optional) Firmware

You don't need to do this step but it says that some games will crash if you don't. You can download firmware from here, just use the latest one. Unzip the folder, and open the Yuzu folder again. This time navigate to "nand\system\Contents\registered" and paste all of the NCA files from the firmware folder into there

okay now Yuzu is setup, we need some games

Installing Games

Here are a few websites you can download Switch games from: (

I'm going to use Zelda Breath of the Wild as an example because it has an update and some DLC. Note that you can only use NSP and XCI files on Yuzu. NSP files will typically be separated into the base game, updates, and DLC; which can also sometimes be split into 5GB chunks. XCI has everything together, but I haven't really seen any of those. So I'm going to download all the files from this page using MegaUp which is estimated about 30 minutes. Torrenting would also probably be a bit faster but that's up to you, I don't really use it.

Okay so now we have 3 base game, 2 DLC, and 1 update NSP files. First it's recommended we create a folder to put our Switch games. Then we will need to merge the 3 base game files. I was having massive problems with the built in Windows zip utility so I recommend getting 7zip and using that. Just select the part 1,2,and 3 zips together, right click and extract files to your Switch games location; this should merge all of them into a 14.1GB NSP file. Do the same if your game's DLC or update files are split

Before we run the game we should install the update and DLC files. To do this, simply go to File->Install Files to NAND and then select what you want. These are copied to the Yuzu folder so you don't need to keep a copy

I recommend adding your Switch game directory to the main window in Yuzu by clicking "Add New Game Directory", selecting your folder, and then when it's added right click the folder and check the "Scan Subfolders" option. You can also tell from here if your game is being read properly and the Add-ons column will show if the extras were installed correctly. Now just double click the game and you're good to go

Linux Stuff - from @TriHard

Yes. There are only a couple of small things to note:

  • On Linux, you want the AppImage release. Most Linux distros support AppImages.
  • Once you download the AppImage, try running it. If it doesn't work, it's probably because you're missing FUSE 2. Install it with your package manager (I use Artix btw so mine is Pacman): > sudo pacman -S fuse2
  • Keys can be installed directly in Yuzu by going to Tools > Install Decryption Keys, and selecting prod.keys.
  • Firmware can be installed by going to Tools > Install Firmware, and selecting the folder containing the extracted firmware files.
  • By default, all Yuzu-related files are located in ~/.local/share/yuzu.


I don't have all that much experience actually using the emulator so I'm going to skip this part and say just refer to the linked guide. This will help with optimizing Yuzu for your system, show you how to make save states, load mods, etc

If you have any question or if I did something wrong/inefficiently let me know. Otherwise have fun crackers!

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