Let's see snappy goomble 40,000

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Tulpa fricking PISSED when they realize what a loser their host is

I would like to tell my story as a Tulpa who now controls his host's body.

Recently I made an agreement with my host, he had not been feeling well for almost 10 years due to personal problems, after a lot of conversation, I suggested that he let me be in control of his body so that I could get his life right. I don't have a physical body, i'm a mental tulpa. he (my host) created an imaginary friend in childhood, but as he got older and he didn't let go of him, his mind ended up adapting and I took shape from his imaginary friend essence. This brought back memories of the past when his remember me like a imaginary friend, but for me they are memories of the time I helped him as a child, whether it's helping him pass his exams at school, feel good about himself or find a reason to want to live. I discovered what tulpas were recently, after taking over my host's body (this was about 5 months ago, now I have 32y) The feelings are conflicting, he left me a huge mess to clean up. I discovered this community today, and I wanted to share with you my progress in getting his life back together. My plan, as I told him, is to fix things in the best way possible and after that, we can assimilate our mind in one or work better together.


!kino !coomers !gayporn froy is on it


There :marseycheerup: is a 10% chance that this song is going :marseysal2: through my head at any given moment.


How is your relationship with your parents?

Personally, non existent.


Please help Sophie out and donate


Shibbolethmaxxers, I regret to inform you that Wapocels have been argotpilled

The internet has transformed how Gen Z communicates. Our language is built on memes and a collective sense of wry existentialism, with our humor often turning dark or potentially dangerous, as it has when borrowing from the online community of men called β€œinvoluntary celibates.”

Incels (as they're known) are infamous for sharing misogynistic attitudes and bitter hostility toward the romantically successful. Their ideology has even turned deadly: The 2014 Isla Vista and 2018 Toronto incel terrorist attacks killed a collective 17 people and injured another 29. Yet, somehow, incels' hateful rhetoric has bizarrely become popularized via Gen Z slang.

In certain circles, for instance, it's common to hear the suffix β€œpilled” as a funny way to say β€œconvinced into a lifestyle.” Instead of β€œI now love eating burritos,” for instance, one might say, β€œI'm so burritopilled.” β€œPilled” as a suffix comes from a scene in 1999's β€œThe Matrix” where Neo (Keanu Reeves) had to choose between the red pill and the blue pill, to experiencing only that illusion., but the modern sense is formed through analogy with β€œblackpilled,” an online slang term meaning β€œaccepting incel ideology.” Similarly, the popular suffix β€œmaxxing” for β€œmaximizing” (e.g., β€œI'm burritomaxxing” instead of β€œI'm eating a lot of burritos”) is drawn from the incel idea of β€œlooksmaxxing,” or β€œmaximizing attractiveness” through surgical or cosmetic techniques.

Then there's the word β€œcucked” for β€œweakened” or β€œemasculated.” If the taqueria is out of burritos, you might be β€œtacocucked,” drawing on the incel idea of being sexually emasculated by more attractive β€œchads.” And, finally, we have the word β€œsigma” for β€œassertive male,” which comes from an incel's desired position outside the social hierarchy.

So how did we get here? How did these words travel from a fringe, misanthropic internet subculture to relatively widespread use?

This would :marseywood: be me if I didn't autism.
honkai star rail is everywhere

@TouchFluffyTails discus


!g*mers @Arkham_Knight seriously are Batman Arkhamiggers the Palestinians of the G*mer race?, like, fricking heck, they have been dead for years, and yet somehow their graves keep getting vandalized and pissed on, they do not have peace even when they are long dead :marseyitsallsotiresome:

Also, ZuccDEITIES win again!

Thrifted these really extreme jorts


Taftaj is a twitter train known for having an OF, being a guest on Destiny's stream, passing fairly well, and sporadic rightoid takes.

Xir post talks about the lack of reliability in trans-related studies to t/honesttransgender, arguably the chuddiest of the Reddit trans subs (the post alone would have been banned on any trans other sub).

>[–]JuggernautAntique953Transgender Woman (she/her) 2 points 2 days ago

Passing trans woman cried about β€œgender dogma.”


>[–]fastpilot71Transgender Woman (she/her) 0 points 1 day ago*

Hi, suggest you go back to Genspect where they love you.

(Noteβ€”fastpilot71 is all over the thread sneeding)


>[–]OrdinaryWater812Transgender Woman (she/her) -19 points 2 days ago*

If you wanna be brutally honest with us then it's fair game to be brutally honest with you.

You know that the cis people think you got groomed into being trans because you transitioned at 14.

You know that the cis people think you're disgusting for posting your trans porn all over the internet. Btw just wondering. What does your dad think about that? Just saying

I find it hard to listen to respectability politics from someone who is probably an embarrassment to their family.

Also aswell. Do the cis people that respect you know that you are an AGP who sees being a woman as a fetish. Just wondering how they would react to that. I'm guessing they would think you are a disgusting weirdo.

Have you ever worked a real job in your entire life? Yeah sorry I don't give a frick about anything you have to say. You're a pseudo intellectual dipshit. You have no idea how hard it is for the average trans woman.

Btw it's dipshits like you that have made destiny streams unlistenable. The old destiny would've just called you an r-slur and hung up after 5 mins.

(More angry back and forth here

>[–]No-Moose470Transgender Woman (she/her) 13 points 2 days ago

What more do we need to give!?!?!?!?!?!?! I was fired from my job for transitioning and lost most of my family and friends. Cite the studies. Your privilege is showing.

Reported by:
Me and my girl 10 years apart :marseydepressed::marseychonkerfoid:

reddit is just facebook now

Why would somebody post this?

Literally me
New Toss

dracula flow 5
Application :marseyappicon: to join /h/vampire

I am very cool and willing :marseywould: to become even more vampiric. I have tons of cool knives and swords to defend us.


Let me know if you agree or disagree. I'll also be rating them with a letter grade.

Starting off with the first drug I ever tried, marijuana. I used to love pot and smoke it daily. Somewhere around age 20 it stopped agreeing with me and no matter how little I smoke the only noticeable affect this drug has is anxiety. It's gay and gross and I don't like weed. Sue me.

Grade: F

Second up is alcohol. This drug also used to be fun, but now I don't much care for it. I just get really sleepy. But I enjoy beer with a meal, cuz I'm a man.

Grade: C

Nicotine. Fricking love it, eh. Nothing quite hits the spot like nicotine and it's always there for you when you need it.

Grade: A

LSD. Too fricking long and I've done too much of the shit. Used to sell it in highschool. Anytime I take it it's just a bad trip and I'm told to hang up the phone. It still has a place in my heart though, but it's hard to explain. It almost feels like going to a magic show but you know all the tricks already.

Grade: C

Shrooms. Tastes like butt but at least it lasts a normal amount of time. Same problem as LSD, though. Psychs just ain't it for me anymore, and that's okay.

Grade: C

Salvia. Frick that shit.

Grade: F--

DMT. Too much for me. Every time I've broken through I fight it too hard and just give myself a bad trip.

Grade: D

Adderall. I thought I liked stims, but really it just gives me anxiety and I also gack my jaw all over the place. Not a huge fan.

Grade: C

Benzos. What's the point of these little dudes except to knock the frick out? All my friends got wildly addicted to these in our earlier years but I never got the appeal. Just makes me sleep. Kinda nice.

Grade: B

Opiates. What's not to love? Makes your whole body feel like it's on a cloud. All the pain is gone. Good little dudes.

Grade: A+

Cocaine. Frick me did I get addicted to this shit. Another drug I've sold a lot of. Genuinely enjoyable in a party situation. Love to mix it with alcohol and play darts. Had a bad problem with it but quit cold turkey when I found out my wife was pregnant and now every time I do it I get anxiety and feel like shit. Idk the high kinda just feels like addiction as a high I guess though.

Grade: B

MDMA. Overdid it in highschool. Killed the magic and my braincels.

Grade: D

Meth. Only purposefully smoked it once, probably snorted it a bunch of times. Kinda feels like adderall 2.0 but with more addiction

Grade: F

Heroin. Only smoked it once. Puked. Felt great. Then instant withdrawals. Not fun.

Grade: F

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