
Pearl clutching straggots


Short answer: no

Long answer: noooooooooo

Detailed explanation: No, because definitely not.

If they think it's unfeasible (we don't have the tech currently to do it on a large scale) they should at least explain their reasons

No. It's mostly smoke and mirrors. Why are fossil fuel companies so interested in this technology? They use the captured CO2 to extract additional oil from wells. It's just another distraction to avoid the elephant in the room and continue business as usual.

:marseymad#: :#marseyprotestno:

The answer is No


This user is surely negative

>comments in /r/adulting, collapse, WDP, :marseyreading:

I'm a chemist working on the (electro)conversion of CO2 into economically valuable products. In my opinion, making this process profitable would be the only way to convince big companies to significantly invest in the process. I can tell you that we are far from making the process economically viable

Edit: to clarify, I'm not defending that we should prioritize the economy. I'm saying that that's what policy makers/ big companies prioritize, so it won't happen until the process is profitable, which is far from now. We thus rely on different approaches to mitigate climate change

A sensible comment

Bonus on doomering about millions dying in India during heat waves just a few years from now

We are going to have a heat wave combined with power failure that kills millions by the end of the decade.

You get a wet bulb temp weather system that settles over a city for a couple days, and the power system goes down.

The opening chapter of the novel "The Ministry for the Future" is a description of just this scenario, and it is hands down one of the most horrifying things I have ever read.

Yup that chapter was sickeningly realistic

The heat wave deaths are then followed by a massive pandemic as millions of corpses liquefy in the heat. The whole city would be a biohazard for a long time

I just started this book yesterday and this post made me do a double take. I had a moment of like, “wait…that's too real”

!bookworms JUST LIKE KSR THE MINISTRY FOR THE FUTURE! :#soysnoo4: :#soysnoo4: :#soysnoo4:

Rip @Sasanka_of_Gauda @ABC and other sexy Indian dudes :#marseypajeetitsover: :#marseychudindian:

:marseyburn: :marseyburn: :marseyburn:

!engineering !ifrickinglovescience


the germline and its consequences have been a disaster for the bilaterian race.

It seems legitish imo

Not sure if right hole, but I think a complete autist got legit pics of a tasmanian tiger. But could be total bs 🤷🏽‍♀️



!ifrickinglovescience !engineering

Functional humanoid robots are here.

For the 90% Indians on this site:

16,000 USD = 13 lakh 33 thousand INR

Which is honestly surprisingly cheap for a humanoid robot if they can upgrade it to perform tasks around the house.

In another 5-10 years expect these and machines like these to replace the workers on the factory floor.

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