
The @schizo made a post about this 2 months ago

:gigachad2: pays :ethot: for 3 months, then charges back the money. OF complies, given that no actual service was provided.

The foid featured in that post will make another appearance below.

And the @carpathianflorist touched upon this in a thot CashApp post 11 months ago

Digital hooker loses like $50, actual hookers discuss the finer points of tax law, fraud, and more

This has been an issue in the industry for a long time, but I noticed there's been quite a few more posts about this in just the last few weeks. OnlyThots are talking about rising up and switching to Fansly because they say they have better protection against chargebacks.

I recommend clicking over to some of these posts and then randomly clicking accounts to get eyes on these ladies. It's generally quite bleak.

Yesterday: :#marseylaugh:

Unfathomable coomer W.

I can’t believe this is even allowed without any questions asked. It’s far too easy for them to do this! I’m so sorry 😢

unfortunately, this is OF’s reality for us 🥺

So true. I’m very new on OF and it’s got me super nervous.

Everytime I see this, it pisses me off beyond believe 🤬 I can’t believe OF let the happen all the time. How are you supposed to even trust a single sub to do customs or whatever for him, when in the back of your mind you know this can happen?? I always cash out as soon as I’m able to, and the day my first chargeback hits me, I’m done with that fricking site 😤

3 days ago

14 days ago

In the comments of that one is the thot featured in schizos post 2 months ago /u/Britcolombia

I had chargebacks from a sub who quite clearly kept purchasing. So no dispute over the quality of my content. My first feeling was of abuse. What onlyfans need to remember is we are selling a service that involves our bodies. We aren’t selling furniture! I contacted onlyfans and they said sorry for the inconvenience caused! I lost a lot of money but also I felt violated. When people enter into a sexual situation and an agreement is made that is consensual, when one person breaks that agreement it is sexual abuse. No two ways about it! I’m willing to stand with you on this. ❤️


And one more from last month

Luke... :#marseykneel:

Who will make a sigma coomer edit?

I'm relatively new to OnlyFans, and I had a scammer tip around $200. I was just starting out and knew nothing about chargebacks. It was my first post, and at first, I felt proud. I'm super shy and am learning to love all of my curves. When I saw that I was in the negative one day, I was shocked. That's when I learned about chargebacks and how the scammer gets to keep what we create and money is taken from us. I have never felt more defeated, and now I'm starting over, and it's hard. I just thought I'd share my story.


These foids give some words of wisdom as to why it's not as simple a fix as others want to believe

Couple additional snacks

Foid declares onlyfans is harder than 90% of normal jobs

Listen moid, you may be out there in -10 weather at 5 am collecting trash or mowing lawns all day or fighting fires, but I smoked a joint, masturbated and then sat at my laptop for 2 hours. Literally slavery.

Foid gives a recipe for how to make fake c*m



Posting this ancient classic because the recent Antiwork shitshow gave me sudden déjà vu of this old dramatic happening. EncyclopediaDramatica also seems to be dead again so I figured it'd be nice to re-archive all this somewhere.


Way back in 2009 when the culture of the "old internet" was on its last legs with the advent of social media, a Washington furry couple known as Tomcat :marseyblops2cel: and Chewfox :marseychonker2: decided that it was a great idea to accept an offer to appear on the Tyra Banks show, which for the uninformed non-burgers here was pretty much a televised lolcow viewing session. Their segment only lasted about three minutes long, but in that time managed to completely spill the beans regarding the truth about depraved furry degeneracy to a massive audience of normies - causing previously untold levels of sheer seething within the furry fandom. Highlights include the host asking if they get turned on at Disneyland, an explanation of "strategically placed holes" (SPHs) in their fursuits that allow them to do the dirty, and awkward denials of bestiality.

This is the only clip on the internet I can still find of the interview, so forgive the 90's VHS tape levels of quality and the hilarious asshurt furry commentary dubbed over the clip:

The comments are also full of angry furries to this day lmao.



Similarly to the Antiwork initial reaction, the wider furry community was out for blood when this brutally honest interview was broadcast on national daytime television. Furries tended to close ranks and at least make an attempt to pretend it wasn't a "sexual thing" back then to avoid being bullied (or "fursecuted") by those darn normies, so it was seen as a complete stab in the back that Tomcat and Chewfox would expose them like this to such a massive audience.

Chewfox took to FurAffinity to write a blogpost in the immediate aftermath of the segment being aired - which seems to be totally wiped from the internet now, but it was pretty much just an attempt at trying to explain to the angry mob why she did the interview and why she thought it would bring more people into the fandom. It didn't do a great job of placating the crowd however, since the post got so many angry replies and views that it crashed the whole site for an hour. Incensed by both the interview and the subsequent DDoSing of his website, FurAffinity's p-dophile owner Dragoneer AKA Neer decided to personally step in and janny Chewfox off the site completely. :marseyban: The following message is what would be displayed when trying to view her profile:

This account has been closed due to the following reason: User has brought shame to the entire fandom for their own personal self gain. Trolling shouts or otherwise harassing comments against this user will result in action being taken against your account. What happened has happened, but further trolling and attacks against the user will not be accepted. Please refrain from shouting on her shoutbox at this time. She is not able to defend at this time and it's considered spam. :marseylaugh:

This was later rescinded however once the drama had temporarily lulled, with Dragoneer putting up the following apology post.


It was claimed that her appearance on the show supposedly cost a few furries their jobs to due being outspoken furries in the workplace (and assumedly who's bosses weren't aware of what that really implied until then), but this was never verified. Outside of that though, it seemed like the drama was pretty much over.


Moving into 2010, Chew Fox was suddenly banned yet again from FurAffinity a few months later, with the following reason provided:

Banned Mar 27, 2010 - threatening legal action against Fur Affinity, harassment, intentionally causing drama. -Neer

The reason for this? Chewfox was spotted wearing a shirt at an Atlanta furry convention bragging about their involvement in the previous year's drama, pictured below.


Her account has remained permabanned to this day after this incident (which unfortunately has very little information still available outside of the photo itself), but the contents of the account has remained open to the public view, leaving it nothing but an ancient relic of internet drama to gawk upon. If you really like looking at furry diaper porn, I guess.


It wasn't until 2016 that Chewfox and Tomcat would resurface yet again, this time in the award winning documentary (no, I'm serious) Fursonas, which I pirated and suffered through just for the sake of finding interesting drama to post about here. :marseydepressed: They don't really add much to the story, except that A. they now have a kid together who they're already trying to groom into being a furry and B. she still has zero remorse for what she did. One interesting thing that was talked about here though was this ventpost from Dragoneer where he literally calls Tomcat and Chewfox worse than p-dophiles because of how much they damaged furries' reputations - this warped line of thinking isn't really a surprising position for Neer to take though, given that he himself enjoys and has commissioned furry child porn art involving his own digimon fursona. :marseypedo:

Chewfox and Tyragate

I really don't know what to say about chewfox that hasn't been said already. Suffice to say, she sold out the fandom for her personal gain. She got her 15 minutes on national TV by showing herself to be the very kind of person we all like to pretend doesn't exist, and she did it by taking a collective shit on the rest of us for a few dollars, and her moment in the limelight. I was less embarassed over the Allan Panda p-dophile issue than I am this shit. [Editor's note: Allan Panda was found to be sexually assaulting children]

I hope it was worth it.

I thought about posting my thoughts about this to FA, but the grim reality is anything I'd have to say regarding Chewfox as "Dragoneer" would be laden with four letter words accompanied by my screaming. "GET THE FRICK OUT OF THIS FANDOM YOU RAGING !%#!%$!%$!%$!%$#!!" But there are reasons I do not resort to such things. There are only two people who could ever enrage me to even saying such things in public, and Chewfox doesn't (and won't) get the credit of being one of them.

There are many things I'd like to say to her, but none that I really could say without an overwhelming feeling of disgust.

Chewfox fricked over the entire fandom, and the sad part? She's proud to have done so.

There's nothing sadder than that, at all.

To inject my own personal take here, as embarrassing as what Chewfox and Tomcat did, it's amusing to see the zoophile and p-dophile top dogs of the fandom come out of the woodwork to try and pin this couple as the reason the community has such a negative reputation, and not - y'know, all the zoophiles and p-dophiles.


Furry couple go onto a talk show, proceed to furpill everyone on national television, get exiled from the fandom forever for being too brutally honest about what furries are actually into. If nothing else, just watch the interview for yourself.

EFFORTPOST My favorite dramatic moments from r/illnessfakers

General info:

/r/illnessfakers (IF) follows "subjects" (almost exclusively young women, there are a few older ones, currently no men) who are suspected of faking illness and having Munchausen's. They are referred to as "munchies".

The sub is heavily moderated, with it's 2 most important rules being

1. All posts / comments must be on topic (about illness faking, no random things)

2. No blogging (talking about yourself or your diseases/ conditions)

The heavy handed modding of the sub, combined with how annoying their mods are, has resulted in several very dramatic moments. Here are some of my favorites.

Notable meta dramas


The main mod of illnessfakers determined that there was too much BEC (b-word eating crackers) content about Ashley Carnduff. Ashley's real issue is Crohn's disease (which she does have). Her made up complaints are Chronic Lyme acquired from a spider bite, other Lyme associated bacteria, and others. She is thought to be lying about having hEDS and POTS. She also went on an arc of being really obsessed with her period.

From the OP:

Hey, everyone. We are removing Ash as a subject, effective immediately. The content being posted is 99% irrelevant to her medical narrative, and the pure hate and bullying that goes on in threads about her is unacceptable and intolerable. The vibe on this sub needs to shift, fam. We are running the risk of losing this sub from all the cruelty happening here. EVERY other sub has been banned and if we go hardcore snarky like other places, we're next. PLEASE, stop with the body shaming, fat shaming, slut shaming, critiquing someone's posing, critiquing someone's eyebrows, and stop posting BEC content that has zero relevance in a subreddit that is dedicated to discussing behavior consistent with MBI and related medical deception.

This post has 1,000 comments. There are some people who don't care, and many who get very mad. IMO this had less to do with the actual content being disallowed, and more to do with the fact that everybody hates the mods.

Shutting down posting about Ashley lead to the creation of several private subreddits and a larger public one /r/Ashleycarnduff which is pretty active and contains even more drama.

There are some mentions of this incident on kiwifarms Munchausen's by Internet thread as well here

The mods later change their minds and issue this follow up post.

FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION RE: Pausing Ash Thread; TOS Concerns; Update & Highlights. THANK YOU to everyone who contributed over the past 3 days! I've put together some highlights and responses based on feedback and discussion with you all...please come continue discussing with us here!

Here the main mod apologizes and announces they are reverting the rule after many days of deliberation. People are happy, but the damage is done, and many users appear to leave the sub after this.

This also led to the creation of /r/IFModsExposed, a sub only for pooping on IF mods, and where posting or commenting got an instant perma-ban from IF. That sub was banned by Reddit pretty quickly.

Posts locked

For several months, IF had all posts and comments on manual approval, despite only having 1 active mod for a sub of 150K. After the manual removal was lifted, mods started locking all posts related to one specific person - Dani Marina.

Dani Marina is an almost 40 year old woman who until recently lived with her parents. She had anorexia when she was younger, and shortly after started seeking attention and medical procedures for GI issues. She recently admitted she actually has been diagnosed with Munchausen's, and has admitted to intentionally injuring herself in the past (by doing things like breaking her bones with baseball bats).

Like before, the crackdown from IF mods leads to the creation of a new specific sub /r/DaniMarina. This sub has also had many of it's own dramas, which would be another post.

It is important to note that these subs focused on only one person are way more unhinged.

POLL: Should we allow a RECOVERED FD Patient to do a Q&A Here?

The main mod (again) suggests an AMA from a recovered Factitious Disorder patient

Hey all,

Over the course of this sub's history, questions like this have come up a few times, but this is an unique circumstance and I think this particular issue should be put to the community for a vote. Historically, our policy has been not to allow any sort of Q&A with people who admit having FD/MBI or who are 'trying to stop' because it is giving attention to them and that feeds the issue. We have, however, heard from someone who is now recovered and they have offered to share about their experiences, so I agreed to put it to you all for a vote.

People in this thread basically scold the mod for this terrible idea, and the mods backtrack again.

Let me know if I should make another post! This is only a portion of the total drama.

Edit: I almost forgot one of the best things to come from the Ashley Carnduff drama - this literal manifesto about the IF mods.

And semi-relevant to recent events, from a post linked in the manifesto, is mod work real work? (Deleted account is mod /u/CatAteRoger 's old account)



Tbh, I'm surprised rdrama managed to make something out of this. I never thought we would ever make another successful bait sub again.

Disclaimer: Note that I'm only discussing the drama, I was not involved in the Justice4Darrell drama nor am I open for any journo interviews. Cite this page if you'd like.

Anyway, here's a recap of everything I saved. Did I miss anything? Comment below. @jannies pls pin. Check the bold link for an archive.

News coverage (obligatory /h/mnn plug): - tweet from Law & Crime Network producer

Thanks @volcel

More from @justcool393

More links:

There @Landlord_Messiah, we answered your question when you asked when was the last time we made a successful troll op on Twitter? The answer is Today landlet! :marseycapitalistmanlet: :marseylaugh:

As part of the record...

News Articles - tweet from Law & Crime Network producer

Chronological updates as the post was made

7:21 PM CT: 35,000 users on the subreddit now


7:45 CT: the pinned post now links to

News articles:

Edit 8:17 PM:

The subreddit has now been banned for violating the mod code of conduct


Edit 8:45 PM:

Producer from Law & Crime Network shouts out

Edit 8:59 PM: /r/SubredditDrama post:

rdrama threads: - recap [in 10/25 stream it's around the 2:05 mark iirc] - trolls trolling trolls

Edit 9:11 PM:

Video from Law & Crime Network

Edit 9:58

holy shit there are so many notifications


Edit 10:03 PM: a /pol/ thread (archive:

Edit 10:37 PM: OutOfTheLoop post:

Edit 10:43 PM: LegalAdviceOffTopic post:

Edit 11:09 PM: post:

Edit 10/26 12:30 AM: /h/museumofrdrama post from @SlackerNews:

Edit 12:49 AM: reformatting to clean up

Edit 2:14 AM: WebSleuths forum post: (and add Fox and Daily Caller article)

Edit 9:03 AM: Darrell Brooks asks for mistrial because of reddit post, is denied

Edit 9:52 AM: Following this event, user @weev has verifiably joined the site

Edit 10:32 AM: added a link


I'll make this an effort post since I know you zoomies know nothing about the Internet or gaming before 2015.

Dyack in the middle

Silicon Knights

Silicon Knights was a Canadian developer who made a few decent games, like Legacy of Kain and the Gamecube remake of Metal Gear Solid. They're mainly remembered for the classic Gamecube horror game Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, which is quite good for its time and is notable for being the only rated-M game ever published directly by Nintendo. They were lead by a guy named Dennis Dyack, a whiny manchild who doomed his company to fail.

Zoomers: This was considered scary in 2002

To give you an idea of their management, here's an image of games in production, games that were cancelled or abandoned before release are marked in yellow. Note the staggering ratio of unreleased/released games:

Anyways, Dyack's passion project for decades had always been a game called Too Human, but every effort to make it had been abortive. After the successes of Eternal Darkness and MGS, Dyack decides the Wii doesn't have shiny enough graphics and makes the bold choice to unshackle his company from a lucrative position as a Nintendo third party so he can truly fulfill his vision on the superior XBawx Please Fix Me. Silicon Knights shacks up with Microsoft and Epic Games and produce an E3 demo (zoomers: people used to go to an annual convention for video game trailers) which is received overwhelmingly negatively.

Dyack is NOT HAPPY and goes on the IGN forums to whine about how the critics will regret their words and deeds:

Unedited clip from Too Human


Once upon a time there was a gayming website called Gaming Age, with their forum called the Gaming Age Forum (or GAF). Eventually Gaming Age imploded, but the top two jannies (Evillore and Bishoptl) were able to move their community to a new forum, appropriately called NeoGAF. You wouldn't know it these days with GAF being a shambling corpse and its spinoff ResetERA being what it is, but pre-G*merGate GAF was chill and a place where industry figures would show up and sperg out while everyone laughed at them.

Dennis Dyack makes a bet :marseygambling:

Once such figure was our hero, Dyack. With his new slop getting trashed by GAFfers, he makes a thread to bet on how it'll turn out:

Right now the man just appears confident in his project. But his next post is a bit more... unhinged, and seems to be setting the bar rather low by making alreay-forgotten games Lair and Haze the standard to beat:

He then goes for an interview on 1up (Zoomers: Now-defunct gaming journo site) and whined about how people saying mean things online is ruining America and how if the NeoGAF mods don't start respecting Denis Dyack and Too Human he's going to call the Internet Police and shut them down!

Dyack then does another interview where he declares that not only is NeoGAF the worst forum in the world, but forums in general are evil and this is why the US military no longer uses writing:

Too Human comes out and scores lower than Haze. In classic GAF fashion the top janny punishes Dyack for losing the bet by writing lots of words and then perma-banning him. Dyack copes by saying g*mers are too stupid to understand his genius.

By this point the capital-G G*mers are pissed at Dyack in a way that prefigures G*merGate in a way. Seething articles are written speculating that angering the G*mers has resulted in him not just being banned from NeoGAF, but divorced from his wife, kicked out of the house, abandoned by his employees, his car towed, banned from every website ever, banned from the city of Niagara and tossed over the waterfall.

He messed with g*mers. G*mers.

The Saga Ends

Denis Dyack has brought Silicon Knights from one of the more respected devs in the industry to basically a joke. Following the failure of Too Human Dyack blamed the Unreal Engine and Epic Games and made the genius decision to sue them. This didn't go their way and by 2012 they owed Epic millions of dollars, had less than five employees, and were legally obligated to destroy all of their unsold games and source code.

In the meantime they had six more projects (including two sequels for Too Human) which were cancelled before they finally released another game, the absolutely awful X-Men Destiny, which turns out to be their last. In desperation, Dyack crawls back to Nintendo and pitches a sequel to their last hit, Eternal Darkness. NeoGAF insider reveals that Nintendo is agreeable until SK loses the lawsuit against Epic, and they decide they'd rather not fork over $10 million in legal fees so SK can survive, which Dyack denied. Former SK staff reveal that this was the case and part of the reason the X-Men game sucked was because Dyack was taking money given by Activision for that game and instead putting it toward Eternal Darkness II.

Years later Dyack attempts to kickstart his own Eternal Darkness successor and makes $300,000 out of the $700,000 target. He has yet to make another game. The end!

Dyack, left


Reported by:
  • J : Nope
  • JimieWhales : they're like pringles: once you pop, you can't stop
EFFORTPOST Parents who kill three children at once

Triple Murder Parents

Nobody can truly tell us what the meaning of life is, but we see people around us pursue it daily. For some, it is found in the hunt for religion and spirituality - something that means more than the suffering we face. Others proclaim that pleasures are the purpose of existence, and they follow a life of hedonism.

If you want to look at things biologically, our purpose is to reproduce. That is what life has done for millions of years, and reproduction is evidence of your ability to adapt to the current environment.

This seems to be the answer that resonates with most people. This is perhaps the reason why we are so disgusted by the idea of a parent taking the life of a child. Not only it is heinous, but it is also seemingly deeply self-destructive.

Killing your own child is about the most evil crime one can conceive of. Killing two is unthinkable. What about killing 3? Is there even a word for this level of depravity?

As disturbing as it is, it happens. Today, I'd like to discuss two cases of parents who killed three of their children. This will be an extremely graphic post, so be warned.


In modern internet culture, the name Chad has come to be associated with a successful, attractive male. The fellow we will discuss next is a disgrace to all Chads.

Chad Doerman lived in Ohio with his wife and their three kids, as well as Chad's daughter from a previous marriage. The children's names are Chase Doerman (3), Hunter Doerman (4), and Clayton Hunter (7).

The family had been going through a rough patch. All relationships do, but this time, it seemed like they were approaching the end of the road. Though Chad is charismatic, he has a few problems in his life. You see, he was a drinker and he also had a mean streak. He also had a temper problem prominent enough for his neighbors to comment on it. They had the following to say:

He was angry every day. There wasn't a day he didn't yell at his wife and kids out there.

Laura, fed up with the situation, wanted to break up with Chad. Little did she know that this would lead to pure heck being unleashed.

Abuse and manipulation

You see, Chad didn't like the fact that Laura wanted to leave. It appears he is a possessive individual. This is an abusive mindset, and studies have shown that it is typically men who enact it on women to feel powerful.

>Abusive power and control are forms of violence characterized by their continuity, insidiousness, and common prerequisites of intimate partner relationships. They are a pattern of domination through which the abuser uses coercive and controlling tactics, which may or may not involve physical, psychological, or sexual violence, to entrap their victim

>The tactics deployed by the abuser can comprise emotional blackmail, threats, gaslighting, physical force, surveillance, stalking, insults, and other means

>Coercive control may also be extremely subtle and insidious, and depleted of incidents of physical or sexual violence. It can exclusively consist of psychological tactics, such as gaslighting or guilt-tripping, with the common effect that the victim is constantly "walking on eggshells”

>Understanding coercive control prevents interveners from wrongfully focusing on "isolated" events of physical violence, and enables the understanding of abuse as a general, persistent dynamic in a relationship.

The nature of such abuse can be extremely insidious, moreso than violence, as it becomes harder to pinpoint the crime, leaving the victim to feel as though they are responsible for the situation.

Women, if you are going to leave a relationship, DO NOT LET HIM KNOW UNTIL YOU'RE GONE.

The Murders

One day, Chad came home from work as a sheet metal worker and instructed his wife and three sons to take a nap with him in the bedroom. During this time, the stepdaughter was watching television in the living room. They did so, and when they were asleep, Chad got up and fetched his Marlin Model 70HC .22 rifle from his gun safe.

Pictured above is an example of such a weapon. He returned to the room, put his humanity aside, and shot Hunter at close range. The sinister BANG woke the whole house up, the bang ringing through the hallways. The daughter raced into the room to witness Hunter being shot again, killing him.

She ordered Clayton, the oldest son, to run. As fate would have it, the son, in a panic, ran the wrong way. Had he left through the front door, he might have run into the hands of a helpful stranger. Instead, he ran out the backdoor and into a field where his father chased after him and his stepdaughter. I cannot imagine the horror, confusion, and betrayal Clayton must have felt as he ran away from his own father. No horror movies can capture just how evil this day was. Chad eventually caught up to little Clayton and shot him in the back, causing him to fall. With the stepdaughter as a witness, he then walked up to Clayton and fired a shot in his head at point-blank range. He wasn't done with Clayton just yet. He dragged the body back to the house - Laura had to see what he had done.

The only child alive at this point is Chase, the youngest. Surprisingly, the stepdaughter still had enough wits about her to grab Chase and run away. Chad wasn't done with his demonic deeds, which meant there was still bloodshed ahead. At this point, not even holy water could cleanse his soul. With darkness in his heart, Chad catches up to the stepdaughter, points the gun at her, and firmly demands she place the kid down. She is trembling but she refuses. Not one to be thwarted so easily, he puts the barrel to her head. I'm sure you understand why this was a compelling enough argument for her to do as ordered. She places the baby down, Chris aims the gun at the 3yo's head and pulls the trigger... but he is out of bullets.

Chase took this opportunity to run back to the yard where Laura was trying to administer CPR to Clayton on the front lawn. This is probably the saddest part. The child was so young that all they knew was that home equals safety. They were unable to uncouple that association, even when his siblings were getting shot in that location. That would be the last choice Chase makes.

Chad returned to the house as the stepdaughter ran away. After reloading his gun, he took Hunter's body from in the house and lay it outside next to Clayton who Laura was still futilely trying to resuscitate. At this point, Chad and his wife got into an altercation so intense that Chad had to bite her. She put her thumb over the barrel and he pulled the trigger, injuring her.

With Laura injured, there was nobody watching over Chase. Chad walked up to the defenseless 3yo and shot him twice in the head. It was like blasting a mosquito with a bazooka. Following this he sat by his front door, his rifle beside him, as he watched Laura try to save her children.

Meanwhile, the stepdaughter runs down the road and tells a few neighbors she passes that her father is killing everyone. They call 911 and the stepdaughter eventually stops at a fire department where she sends help to her house.

When the police arrive, they apprehend Chad, who does not resist and has a bloodstained shirt. Laura is heard screaming for her children as some police futilely try to do something for the children and their mangled bodies. The cops are visibly disgusted by him, and when Chad tries to talk to one of them, he is told to shut up. You can watch the bodycam footage here.

He appears in court, looks a little shell-shocked, and cries at one point. Nevertheless, he is entirely lucid.

What is the point of discussing a motive? There can be no excuse for such evil. You can read the police documents on the case here:


When women kill, they tend to go for babies. It is estimated that women kill their own children at the same rate as men do. To understand how significant this stat is, remember that men are responsible for 98% of all murders. In short, women almost exclusively kill babies - their own - and any other types of murders from women are extreme exceptions.

>However, one of the most recent comprehensive national filicide studies in Australia documented 238 cases between 2000 and 2012. This study mirrored trends elsewhere, with male and female perpetrators represented in roughly equal numbers.

>In cases where children are killed intentionally, women are more likely to kill babies and newborns, particularly in circumstances of unwanted pregnancies. Such offenders are more likely to be young and have low levels of social support, although it is increasingly reported among older women.

Jessica McCarty had once been married to Philip McCarty, and they had two children - Phillip and Lacey McCarty. The marriage did not last long, and she eventually divorced and entered a relationship with Christopher Swist. They had one child named Christopher Swist. This might be a hard case to follow because, as you'll notice, we have two Phillips and two Chrises.

Jessica's life wasn't going well. Jessica had a drug problem, and she was poor despite Philip giving her money to help her. Worst of all, Christopher had found a new girl named Brandy! Jessica was filled with burning jealousy and dissatisfaction with her own life. She wanted an out, and she was willing to take her children with her.

One day, while Christopher was at work, he received a phone call from Jessica. She tells him that something bad has happened and he needs to come home. If that wasn't alarming enough, he then sends him a picture of a bloody kitchen floor. Christopher calls his mother who races him home as he calls 911. Nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to witness.

We don't know what order things happened in, but we do know the following:

Young Philip was in the living room with a cord wrapped around his neck. Baby Christopher was found in bed with a cord around his neck. Lacey was found dead in her bed, but she was soaking wet and had cuts on her knees and the back of her head. For some reason, the bath had water in it and the shower glass had shattered, indicating a struggle.

Jessica had cuts all over her, and she was bleeding profusely as she clutched a knife. Upon witnessing this horror, Christopher attempted to rescue his infant son. He could do nothing. Lacey and Philip died that day. Christopher died two days later.

Jessica was intending to die as well. She left a suicide note which spoke about her dislike of Christopher's infatuation with Brandy. She also wrote the following:

>Please remember all of the horrible and disrespectful things you said when you go for the jugular. Those words never leave me, I'm so sorry to put my family through this but I'm not worth living. I suck at life

Fate would not let her escape the consequences of her actions so easily. Though she had attempted to bleed herself dry, doctors were able to save her. She stood trial and claimed mental illness. When asked about the crimes, she claims she does not remember them. This results in a pretty intense screaming match between her and a lawyer attempting to question her.

She was found guilty and received life in prison at age 33 in 2015.


There is nothing more unnatural than a parent killing a child, yet here we are. It is a sad reality that there are so many that will attempt to conceive and fail, or remain incels their whole life. Yet those blessed enough to be given the gift of reproduction chose to make such sordid choices.

I like to end these posts with a lesson that can be learned, but there is nothing to take from this chaos. The world is cruel, and an inordinate amount of love and support is needed for anyone to make it through the evil that we will all surely face. Best of luck and enjoy the rest of your week!



Ron, 33, Nashville TN

Self-rated 3/10 situation

Personal Life:

  • Falling out with his parents

    • Says father was emotionally abusive/manipulative

    • Has since mended bridges with them somewhat?

    • Asked if he could move back in after getting a remote job, they said no

    • Good relationship with his mother, bad with his father, they are still married?

      • Mother makes 200'000?
  • Debt from early 20s moving out of his parents house

    • Story time about being a boozer - timestamp

    • Was van living for a little while so more money to party

      • Stopped in late 2019 early 2020 :marseythinkorino:
  • Addicted to Mountain Dew timestamp

    • Goes through 2 a day, doesn't buy from stores, just from gas stations or dunkin donuts?

    • "If it's a bad day I will go and get more"

  • "Do you have diabetes?" timestamp

    • "Not that I know of, I haven't been to a doctor in 5 years"

    • Blood sugar test timestamp

      • "I don't have diabetes by the way I just have all medical equipment possible because I'm afraid of something going.. bad"

      • New Caleb lore - he is terrified of needles and blood plus is some sort of paranoid

      • Apparently he does not have diabetes?

  • Brother had addiction stuff as well? (marijuana and alchy)


  • Tried to apply for real jobs out of school, never got callbacks :marseythinkorino:

  • Call center 40 hour week

    • $18 an hour
  • Starting a second job in a couple weeks

    • Variable, $18.50 after 5, $20 weekends

    • Also 40 hours?

    • Call center stuff but different from the other call center

  • Some online stuff

    • Runs DnD games online

      • 3 hours a piece depending on how much he needs to prep

      • $600 a month or so

        • 1 game ended
      • Using some site for this that pimps out DMs

      • Made 10k last year from this :marseypikachu2:

      • Runs these games through his phone? "Only reason I bought it"

      • uses Fiverr people to do stuff for it?

  • Got a cat recently, photo shown to camera timestamp

  • His mother gave him 1'300 total last month


  • Mountain Dew:

    • Unreal amounts of mountain dew more than $400 a month
  • Rent $1230

    • Low end, not a great neighborhood, pays for laundry not within complex?


  • Discover Card (Card 1) Around $3000: timestamp

    • Had to put car repairs on it?

    • 4 tires and some maintenance stuff

    • Minimum monthly maybe $30? He's not certain

    • 25% interest

    • Had paid off the card with a personal loan years prior to the car repairs

    • Dunkin Donuts - 2 Dews for $4 "That's how they get you" :marseyxd:

  • USAA (Card 2) $7712:

    • 20% interest, $631 lost on interest this year

    • Did not spend anything on there

  • Costco (Card 3) $908:

    • Paid 218 but made 185 in purchases 14 in interest

    • Credit limit of 750

    • Thinks the purchases were all unnecessary

    • 30% interest

  • Car: 2010 Toyota Camry

    • 130'000 miles

    • $5438 left on it

    • 4.99% interest rate

    • Bought right before the pandemic hit

  • Personal Loan $18'173 timestamp:

    • 2 or 3 cards, and the rest of the loan balance of the van he had, has since sold Van

    • $584 min payment

    • originally 25'000

Student Loans:

  • Majored in Business?

  • Southern Hampshire University?

  • $38'900 federal student loans, Probably 470 minimum payment

  • These are why he decided to get a second job


  • Checking

    • Gets money from his mother?

    • 26.76 => 5132 - 3918 => 1247

  • Business Checking account for his DnD thing:

    • "Cloak & Dagger LLC"?

Budget Section timestamp:

  • -$1231 between minimum budget and basic survival currently without the second job
Reported by:

Good morning, rdrama!

I'm told @MarKong has a fun writeup of drama in the works, and I'm as eager as anyone here to see what he has to say. It does end up connected to me, though, so I figure I should lay the important details out in case he forgets any of them. This is all going to be tedious metadrama, I'm afraid; I'm sorry, but it was going to come out one way or another.

The tl;dr if you find this sort of thing dull: I ran a blatant furry alt here for the past 6 months, started the furry megathreads, and helped launch a Groomercord server to hang out with the local furries; Marco declined an invitation so he could infiltrate instead; now he has a fun spy story to tell everyone :marseyhacker:

tl;dr of tl;dr: neurodivergence

August 2021: I come to rdrama as @Jackal because the point of this space is drama and leaning into furry nonsense while sharing horrifying furry drama on a site that hates furries seems like a fun bit.

September 2021: I write my first article about you guys; you're all kind enough about it that I feel I ought to create a proper account here and say hi :marseyblowkiss:

October 2021-January 2022: @Jackal goes mostly dormant; I notice a few furries popping up around rdrama; I keep poking around here mostly on main.

December 2021: I publicly out myself as a disgusting furtwink for professional reasons, news to those who chose not to hang onto every word of my self-indulgent 30-minute self-introduction essay elsewhere.

~January 2022: After weighing my options, I elect to increase my participation here on @Jackal so that I can keep @TracingWoodgrains around for substantive articles or other meaningful commentary and participate in a less obtrusive way overall.

29 January 2022: I decide it would be fun to formalize the furry infestation of rdrama and start a megathread. It's a roaring success in terms of both effort-to-drama ratio and chatting with random furries on rdrama.

11 February 2022: @AltAccountOkapi creates s/furry so we can properly dance on the corpse of Ruqqus; I join in the dancing. We quickly become the most-successful and most-blocked hole on newruqqus. Good work, lads!

21 February 2022: I misinterpret ambiguous messages from @geese_suck and @MarKong to @Jackal as indications that they know it's an alt of mine, so I confirm that the two accounts are connected. I don't care much for secrecy and anyone who expects alts to stay unknown on a site with Alt-Seeing Eye as an explicit feature is a fool, so I expected this to happen at some point. Once I increased activity on @Jackal, I figured "local fake journo has furry rubbishposting alt" would be a fun easter egg for regulars to discover; I didn't mind telling them and am grateful they didn't make a big deal of it.

28 February 2022: I work with a couple of friends here to set up an experimental Groomercord server for some of the rdrama furries, starting with personal friends and expanding slowly to encompass a wider group. On my part, this was for purely self-interested reasons: I've never liked the furry fandom writ large but I like a lot of the local furries and wanted to assemble a solid circle of friends based on the peculiar intersection between furries and rdrama (more on that below).

3 March 2022: Since he is, after all, one of rdrama's most prominent furries, we elect to send Marco an invitation to join our Groomercord. He rudely declines :marseypearlclutch2:

4 March 2022: I accidentally furpost from main; because of the way rdrama deletion works my followers can still see it. Sorry about that :marseyblush:

7 March 2022: Marco positively ruins our weekly thread by ghost-awarding it and announces plans to keep doing so; I whinge to the chadmins as @Jackal and Carp takes vengeance for House Furry by ghosting the whole front page.

Also 7 March 2022: Marco reveals that he's been secretly infiltrating the server from an unknown alt after declining our invitation to join; shell account @SneedCityUSA starts spamming "concerned user" messages and grass awards while quoting lines from server chat; drama ensues. It's all very exciting and I'm sure you'll hear all about it in Marco's roundup, so I'll just provide the lovely gift messages @SneedCityUSA wrote up for our shiny new grass badges:











(Presumably) 8 March 2022: Marco writes an epic about his infiltration.

A few thoughts on the matter:

I like hanging out with the local furries b/c a lot of the things I dislike about the furry fandom are mostly cancelled out by rdrama's effect. In particular, the site neatly avoids overly woke, tiptoeing-around-landmines environments while not leaning all the way into .win-style rightoid silliness and has a strict no-tolerance policy for libertarian or zoo rubbish, all of which combine to chase off most of the worst furries. More broadly, it's important, when you have an absurd hobby, to be able to make fun of yourself and not take things too seriously, so the relentless mockery of furries on rdrama is a public service that makes those who stick around here a pretty fun lot. I've been spending more time posting on @Jackal because I've been having a better time than I anticipated with it all.

I also hold that a furry infestation is healthy for rdrama as part of the initiative to blow everything out of proportion and make things as dramatic as possible, and to help spook .win-tier rightoids who freak out about funny stuff, but to be honest that's mostly just an excuse b/c infesting rdrama is fun.

I have no intention of shutting down either @Jackal or the Dramafur groomercord, or of furposting further on @TracingWoodgrains. I joke about it, but I do get that most of you guys are (understandably) weirded out by furry rubbish at best and I don't want it to distract too much from my writing or other projects here for those of you who are uneasy about furries but enjoy what I have to say on other topics. Sorry to those (particularly @Yall) who follow me in spite of furry rubbish and now get a whole bloviating metapost on it because of all this; all I can say is that I'd rather tell my own story than have others tell it. I'm a bit disappointed to be so visibly connecting the two accounts because I really do think it's more fun as an easter egg where most don't recognize me as me, but I stand by my words and actions on both and intend to carry on in much the same vein until I get bored.

Marco's good at what he does and he did indeed manage to cause havoc and panic some of our members early on in the life of our server. It's a clever work of drama and about what I expected from this space, successfully turning a comfortable conversation into a game of Among Us. Ah, well, that's what we get for setting up shop next to rdrama. Sorry to those of you who shared semi-personal info and are/were stressed about leaks; that's on me. I knew drama was a predictable risk, but I wanted at least a bit longer of comfortable, open conversation before something like this let all of rdrama find out about the space.

It's a good server tho :marseyexcited:

If you feel like you ought to have gotten an invitation to the Groomercord but didn't—you're probably right and I'm sorry to have missed you :marseylove: I tried to limit things at first to mostly the people I've had substantive conversations with, but feel free to shoot me a message either here or on @Jackal if you're interested in the server. No promises on timing or definite entrance—we're, uh, trying to tighten security up a bit, for some reason—but I'm always happy to chat. As a general reminder, keep in mind both that Groomercord servers are inherently public spaces and that we have no interest in allowing anything close to any ethical gray areas in the server. Adjust your expectations accordingly.

Anyway, nice work, Marco. You win this round, even if you're still a furtwink just like the rest of us in the eyes of most people here :marseyclapping: Next round's on me.

p.s. you should be sure to share the MTG cards story if you noticed it in the server. it's a fun one

Reported by:
  • forgotpw : Enabling piracy and IP infringement
EFFORTPOST Yuzu Setup for the Tech Illiterate

so with all the posts about Yuzu and seeing a few people confused how to get it setup (@Bussy-boy) I thought I'd just make it's own post

If you feel confident in following directions you can just directly use the guide I used here. I will be assuming you're on Windows 10/11 64 bit

For those of you who don't know, Yuzu is a Nintendo Switch emulator that recently got taken down. Someone has forked their source code luckily tho so you can still use it. There are other ways to play cracked Switch games but this seemed the easiest to me. Lets get started

Download Yuzu

You can download the Early Access build here. Just click the "" link and it will download a zip file. Extract the folder to wherever you feel like. Then open the extracted folder and run the yuzu.exe file. This should install the program and run itself, but you'll get a prompt about missing encryption keys

Encryption Keys

You will need an encryption key file to get the program working. You can download it here or DM me and I can send you the source since it's just text. Once it's downloaded, open Yuzu and go to File->Open Yuzu Folder. This will open the working directory for the program. What you need to do is put the prod.keys file in the keys folder (make sure if you opened it in notepad it didn't rename it to prod.keys.txt). Now restart Yuzu and there should no longer be a warning message.

(Optional) Firmware

You don't need to do this step but it says that some games will crash if you don't. You can download firmware from here, just use the latest one. Unzip the folder, and open the Yuzu folder again. This time navigate to "nand\system\Contents\registered" and paste all of the NCA files from the firmware folder into there

okay now Yuzu is setup, we need some games

Installing Games

Here are a few websites you can download Switch games from: (

I'm going to use Zelda Breath of the Wild as an example because it has an update and some DLC. Note that you can only use NSP and XCI files on Yuzu. NSP files will typically be separated into the base game, updates, and DLC; which can also sometimes be split into 5GB chunks. XCI has everything together, but I haven't really seen any of those. So I'm going to download all the files from this page using MegaUp which is estimated about 30 minutes. Torrenting would also probably be a bit faster but that's up to you, I don't really use it.

Okay so now we have 3 base game, 2 DLC, and 1 update NSP files. First it's recommended we create a folder to put our Switch games. Then we will need to merge the 3 base game files. I was having massive problems with the built in Windows zip utility so I recommend getting 7zip and using that. Just select the part 1,2,and 3 zips together, right click and extract files to your Switch games location; this should merge all of them into a 14.1GB NSP file. Do the same if your game's DLC or update files are split

Before we run the game we should install the update and DLC files. To do this, simply go to File->Install Files to NAND and then select what you want. These are copied to the Yuzu folder so you don't need to keep a copy

I recommend adding your Switch game directory to the main window in Yuzu by clicking "Add New Game Directory", selecting your folder, and then when it's added right click the folder and check the "Scan Subfolders" option. You can also tell from here if your game is being read properly and the Add-ons column will show if the extras were installed correctly. Now just double click the game and you're good to go

Linux Stuff - from @TriHard

Yes. There are only a couple of small things to note:

  • On Linux, you want the AppImage release. Most Linux distros support AppImages.
  • Once you download the AppImage, try running it. If it doesn't work, it's probably because you're missing FUSE 2. Install it with your package manager (I use Artix btw so mine is Pacman): > sudo pacman -S fuse2
  • Keys can be installed directly in Yuzu by going to Tools > Install Decryption Keys, and selecting prod.keys.
  • Firmware can be installed by going to Tools > Install Firmware, and selecting the folder containing the extracted firmware files.
  • By default, all Yuzu-related files are located in ~/.local/share/yuzu.


I don't have all that much experience actually using the emulator so I'm going to skip this part and say just refer to the linked guide. This will help with optimizing Yuzu for your system, show you how to make save states, load mods, etc

If you have any question or if I did something wrong/inefficiently let me know. Otherwise have fun crackers!

Reported by:



OP image graciously provided by @Gandalf-the-Whey.

This is a followup post to @TracingWoodgrains' story of the events here, except with the juicy leaks included and not just a wall of :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:

Since Trace pretty much detailed the whole thing for me already, I'll mainly be focusing on the behind-the-scenes stuff and the juicy inside leaks that he unfortunately failed to deliver.


A few days ago I was DM'd a Groomercord server invite from @Jackal AKA @TracingWoodgrains, who supposedly set up a safe space for all the drama-adjacent furry degenerates that currently plague the site. I declined of course, since I'm not a furry and I assumed this was some sort of doxing or grooming attempt by our local journo friend using the CNN playbook. :marseyjourno: :marseyhacker:


Skipping to yesterday, I had the dastardly plan of ghost awarding Jackal's weekly furry thread in hopes of disrupting the meta furry circlejerking and co-opting of the site. They didn't exactly respond well to this, and responded by bitching to Carp to get ghost awards nerfed and/or removed entirely so they could continue to namestrag and attention-whore while posting their weird fetish porn. Unfortunately Carp being the closet furry he is, kowtowed to the pressure and offered up a sitewide poll to determine the fate of ghost awards. When the voting didn't go his way however, Carp decided to then print off a frickton of ghost awards and plaster the whole site with them in hopes of causing a large annoyance, before opening up a second poll in hopes that his tomfoolery would be able to swing the vote in the furries' favor this time around - which in the end still ended with a plurality of users wanting to leave ghost awards unchanged. I'm sure the majority of you were around to see all this for yourself though. :marseythumbsup:


Whilst this big shitshow was going down however, I recalled the Groomercord invite that Jackal had sent me prior and realized they must have been coordinating their plans in there. Out of curiosity, I shot Jackal a reply asking for a new invite since the old one had expired - unsurprisingly, I was told that I was suddenly no longer welcome to see what secrets were waiting within, and he used two rather strange and flimsy excuses to why: one that I'm apparently a dangerous potential dox-sperg now because I happen to have a Kiwifarms account like the majority of dramatards, and two because I had previously banned one of their members from rdrama for a week for posting porn of an "aged up" version of the child-coded furry videogame character Ralsei. :marseyconfused:


This is the character in question for reference - I've been asked to keep a neutral stance on this topic, so it's up to the denizens of rdrama if you think this act constitutes as libertarianism or not.


Not to be dissuaded however, I was easily able to bribe one of the more impressionable furtwinks in their ranks to provide me screenshots of the hot gossip going on in their secret grooming circle, with a promise of disgusting erotic furry roleplay in return which was left unfulfilled. :marseysmug3: What I discovered will (not) shock you!



So it turns out I truly live rent-free in the minds of every furry dramatard that somehow found their way here. They had been talking about me non-stop for hours and were devising different gay-ops in hopes of getting me demopped/evicted from the site, all because I ghosted awarded their gay little circlejerk thread. Little did they know I tend to have a talent for getting into private groomercord cliques and proceeding to leak all their r-slurred nonsense. :marseyglow:

Note: I've decided to omit a bunch of typical furry coomer garbage, as while it's disgusting, it's the same shit you'll find in any run-of-the-mill gay furry groomercord.

Conspiring about the mass ghosting which occurred yesterday:





There was also plenty of gossip about yours truly, and their paranoia slowly began to bounce off each other until they started to convince themselves that I'm a deranged serial killing doxer that was ready to swat them all at a moment's notice. Rude!












Eventually this schizo paranoia culminated in our mildly neurodivergent friend @Suicidal_Tendies attempting to coordinate a gay-op where tried to convince a bunch of furries to paypig, in hopes of then pressuring Carp/Aevann to revoke my mop and get me removed from rdrama. It's a shame this plan fell through, because it would've been funny to let them all hand over their neetbux to the site first before getting told to kick rocks and having all their shit leaked afterward. :marseysmug2:






After compiling screenshots for a couple of hours, my lurking PoC acquaintance @SneedCityUSA - whom I had been watching this unfold with - decided he wanted in on the action. He used the 67000 dramacoin generously gifted to him through reparations to start grass awarding the main culprits of the furcel conspiracy, including messages about the server's intimate happenings in the process which gave away the game that there was an imposter among them. :marseyimposter: :marseytwerking:

Predictably, the whole server rapidly descended into seething, paranoia and infighting. :marseysmug3:





Eventually they decided @of_blood_and_salt was the most sussy and kicked him from the server, which unfortunately meant I could no longer collect any more screenshots to show here. :marseycry:


At this point though I was already getting bored of this pathetic groomercordcel nonsense and just sent the server invite to Carp, where he found out all his furry-friends were shit-talking him behind his back whilst at the same time begging for his help against the ghost awardings. :marseylaugh:



@Jackal REKT

@TracingWoodgrains DOUBLY REKT

@Soren REKT

@Jaukea REKT

@SparkBrave REKT

@of_blood_and_salt REKT

@Corvus REKT

@AshiahTheEgyptianCat REKT

@Suicidal_Tendies REKT

@Lycanroc REKT

@ThreeLetterAgent REKT

@adiosamigo REKT


:marseyjam: Thanks for playing! :marseyjam:

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