
Posting this ancient classic because the recent Antiwork shitshow gave me sudden déjà vu of this old dramatic happening. EncyclopediaDramatica also seems to be dead again so I figured it'd be nice to re-archive all this somewhere.


Way back in 2009 when the culture of the "old internet" was on its last legs with the advent of social media, a Washington furry couple known as Tomcat :marseyblops2cel: and Chewfox :marseychonker2: decided that it was a great idea to accept an offer to appear on the Tyra Banks show, which for the uninformed non-burgers here was pretty much a televised lolcow viewing session. Their segment only lasted about three minutes long, but in that time managed to completely spill the beans regarding the truth about depraved furry degeneracy to a massive audience of normies - causing previously untold levels of sheer seething within the furry fandom. Highlights include the host asking if they get turned on at Disneyland, an explanation of "strategically placed holes" (SPHs) in their fursuits that allow them to do the dirty, and awkward denials of bestiality.

This is the only clip on the internet I can still find of the interview, so forgive the 90's VHS tape levels of quality and the hilarious asshurt furry commentary dubbed over the clip:

The comments are also full of angry furries to this day lmao.



Similarly to the Antiwork initial reaction, the wider furry community was out for blood when this brutally honest interview was broadcast on national daytime television. Furries tended to close ranks and at least make an attempt to pretend it wasn't a "sexual thing" back then to avoid being bullied (or "fursecuted") by those darn normies, so it was seen as a complete stab in the back that Tomcat and Chewfox would expose them like this to such a massive audience.

Chewfox took to FurAffinity to write a blogpost in the immediate aftermath of the segment being aired - which seems to be totally wiped from the internet now, but it was pretty much just an attempt at trying to explain to the angry mob why she did the interview and why she thought it would bring more people into the fandom. It didn't do a great job of placating the crowd however, since the post got so many angry replies and views that it crashed the whole site for an hour. Incensed by both the interview and the subsequent DDoSing of his website, FurAffinity's p-dophile owner Dragoneer AKA Neer decided to personally step in and janny Chewfox off the site completely. :marseyban: The following message is what would be displayed when trying to view her profile:

This account has been closed due to the following reason: User has brought shame to the entire fandom for their own personal self gain. Trolling shouts or otherwise harassing comments against this user will result in action being taken against your account. What happened has happened, but further trolling and attacks against the user will not be accepted. Please refrain from shouting on her shoutbox at this time. She is not able to defend at this time and it's considered spam. :marseylaugh:

This was later rescinded however once the drama had temporarily lulled, with Dragoneer putting up the following apology post.


It was claimed that her appearance on the show supposedly cost a few furries their jobs to due being outspoken furries in the workplace (and assumedly who's bosses weren't aware of what that really implied until then), but this was never verified. Outside of that though, it seemed like the drama was pretty much over.


Moving into 2010, Chew Fox was suddenly banned yet again from FurAffinity a few months later, with the following reason provided:

Banned Mar 27, 2010 - threatening legal action against Fur Affinity, harassment, intentionally causing drama. -Neer

The reason for this? Chewfox was spotted wearing a shirt at an Atlanta furry convention bragging about their involvement in the previous year's drama, pictured below.


Her account has remained permabanned to this day after this incident (which unfortunately has very little information still available outside of the photo itself), but the contents of the account has remained open to the public view, leaving it nothing but an ancient relic of internet drama to gawk upon. If you really like looking at furry diaper porn, I guess.


It wasn't until 2016 that Chewfox and Tomcat would resurface yet again, this time in the award winning documentary (no, I'm serious) Fursonas, which I pirated and suffered through just for the sake of finding interesting drama to post about here. :marseydepressed: They don't really add much to the story, except that A. they now have a kid together who they're already trying to groom into being a furry and B. she still has zero remorse for what she did. One interesting thing that was talked about here though was this ventpost from Dragoneer where he literally calls Tomcat and Chewfox worse than p-dophiles because of how much they damaged furries' reputations - this warped line of thinking isn't really a surprising position for Neer to take though, given that he himself enjoys and has commissioned furry child porn art involving his own digimon fursona. :marseypedo:

Chewfox and Tyragate

I really don't know what to say about chewfox that hasn't been said already. Suffice to say, she sold out the fandom for her personal gain. She got her 15 minutes on national TV by showing herself to be the very kind of person we all like to pretend doesn't exist, and she did it by taking a collective shit on the rest of us for a few dollars, and her moment in the limelight. I was less embarassed over the Allan Panda p-dophile issue than I am this shit. [Editor's note: Allan Panda was found to be sexually assaulting children]

I hope it was worth it.

I thought about posting my thoughts about this to FA, but the grim reality is anything I'd have to say regarding Chewfox as "Dragoneer" would be laden with four letter words accompanied by my screaming. "GET THE FRICK OUT OF THIS FANDOM YOU RAGING !%#!%$!%$!%$!%$#!!" But there are reasons I do not resort to such things. There are only two people who could ever enrage me to even saying such things in public, and Chewfox doesn't (and won't) get the credit of being one of them.

There are many things I'd like to say to her, but none that I really could say without an overwhelming feeling of disgust.

Chewfox fricked over the entire fandom, and the sad part? She's proud to have done so.

There's nothing sadder than that, at all.

To inject my own personal take here, as embarrassing as what Chewfox and Tomcat did, it's amusing to see the zoophile and p-dophile top dogs of the fandom come out of the woodwork to try and pin this couple as the reason the community has such a negative reputation, and not - y'know, all the zoophiles and p-dophiles.


Furry couple go onto a talk show, proceed to furpill everyone on national television, get exiled from the fandom forever for being too brutally honest about what furries are actually into. If nothing else, just watch the interview for yourself.

Reported by:

Some of these posts might be bait of course :marseybaitretard: since obviously some of us dramanauts are still unbanned on Reddit and running around in the old sub.

But I don't know some of these seem pretty real. Let's go see what the normie squatters have done with our former neurodivergent goonboy mansion :marseyneat:

My father has MANY kids with multiple women (which is rich coming from a man that calls women whres and slts). He never married and none of his children has his last name. He's just realizing this and is begging all of us to change our last name to his so we can “pass down” HIS last name. First off, I'm a woman who might get married one day and take my husband's name so that wouldn't even make sense to go through all this trouble and money to change it just to change it to a new last name especially as an adult. Second, he never raised me. Why would I change MY last name just so he can have his name passed down? Apparently the sons didn't want to do it either. Who can blame them. He should have thought about it before getting multiple women pregnant and leaving them without even child support…

… I really just don't understand what's wrong with him. I'm just tired of it.

Choice replies:

tell him to show some bussy and be gone

What's your Dads contact info?

I've been needing my bussy bred for awhile now. He seems like the perfect candidate.

Ok not gonna lie that "my parents should have raised me better" was chefs kiss perfect! I admire you for your quick wit and humor

But we also have,

tell him to suck ur peepee. my mom is the same way, left for 7 years, comes back and assumes all is well. people shouldnt have access to semen.

By /u/ewsalemm who's been primarily posting in /r/cd_collectors, /r/teenagers, and /r/drugs. A real reply? In our subreddit? :marseyshook:

OP of the post /u/starrblacc is posting in /r/trueoffmychest and /r/askreddit and frequently mentions not having parents and growing up as a poor @Sphereserf3232 relative :marseycherokee:

My gpa dying in a four wheeler accident and my mom and gma ODing

My mom OD'd a year ago and I had a dream that she was alive and I didn't realize I was dreaming and that I thought that I somehow went back in time so I warned her not to take any meds bc she will die.

When I was in foster care, the woman made a 13 year old foster kid cook for us.

Mine is a cultural thing (Native American). I was raised by my grandparents and they were strict about my hair. I wasn't allowed to cut it. Only trim. When my mom cut it, it caused a fight between my mom and gma. To this day I have it long to my tailbone and only trim it. I started putting it up in a satin cap and scarf bc it gets in the way. Hair is our pride.

Are real people using our subreddit to post about their silly Reddit lives? :marseypearlclutch: OUR SUBREDDIT?!

Let's go through a few more of these and look at the OP accounts that at least might be real

So this one had a write up already but I didn't realize it came from our sub :marseyfortykeks:

I thought that was the joke for revitalizing the sub. I had to check a few profiles to see that it is not a joke. I'm guessing zoomers are looking up "drama" and reddit and finding this sub somehow.

If only they sorted by top, all time and see what it really was,

Zoomers don't know their history :marseyzoomer:

I would file a complaint with the police department because this is not something they should have gotten involved in. Just keep posting everything they do on social media. Let them destroy themselves

Girl just hire a personal injury attorney and sue them for damages, and harassment/intimidation by engaging actual law enforcement to become The Hair Police to intimidate you into removing your posts.

I read through both posts. I've never gotten hair extensions and really don't know anything about them - but holy heck, even I can tell it shouldn't look like that!

Why did they call the cops on you, though? I'm very confused about why they are wasting police resources on a civil dispute. Is there something more to it that I missed?

If these are normal comments then how do these normies find our sub anyway? Is it just because we have such a classic name?

/u/Hot_Door7211 has been posting about this for awhile too. Dramatards don't usually (:marseypenny:) have that kind of patience for larping

Okay so I'll start from the beginning I'm female (18), My best friend at the time let's just call her Nicole (17) at that time I recently had a break up so I decided tinder would be a good try and soon found a male 22 let's call him Cam.He would often come get me to go back to his house a sneaky link type of thing…

… I completely cut off communication blocked Nicole on everything.Then a few months later I'm with my boyfriend and Nicole decided she wants to get her friends I don't even know to call me and text me.Saying things such as calling me a hoe,fat,r-slurred saying when she see me she will beat my butt.Keep in mind in 3 months I'll be 19 and she will be a minor still.Nicole says if I do fight her she won't press charges but I know that's a lie.So how am I the butthole in this situation.

This one seems foid coded and the youngins are about that r-slurred :marseyhmm: The account has only made this post

So. I am thirteen. A female who generally enjoys kpop and music. My sister (let's call her Yuna) is going on twenty-three who also typically enjoys kpop and others. Im pretty sure she has selective speaking. She's a highschool dropout. She has diabetes and she'd been diagnosed with autism recently and i know i cant hate her for it—but it is infuriating. (P.S, we are an Asian-American household)…

… In summary, my sister is living carelessly, worklessly, rent free in my parents' house with the chore of doing nothing but eating the house out of food, stealing everyone's sh!t, not sharing anything with my elderly grandma, and only going out with me and my family for food. Only labor she's doing is taking out the weekly trash. She gets the biggest room in the house, too—WITH a walk-in closet.

Please give me some advice 😭🙏 (Yes, i used a kpop idol's name to replace my sisters even though i absolutely LOVE itzy Yuna.)

Some of us are calling bait

Changbin's, hyunjin's, felix's, and seungmin's are the most adorable to me. Jeongin's has an earthy(?) vibe for whatever reason or whatever that even means. Chan legitimately surrendered and i absolutely RESPECT. Jisung fits so cutely it's actually nauseating. Maybe im biased. idk. But something about (hana)_doolsetnet IS SO CUTEEE. lino's is actually pretty random idk where he got that from 💀

literally all of the freeze and fight or escape album. PLUS NO RULES AND GBGB

P1H NEVER disappoints in live singing.

But this seems to be a real K-pop brain :marseybrain:

Hi guys, don't know where to talk about this. But I work with my family members at this third party trading company. I've been working here for 2 years , and since day 1 I've been very suspicious about my uncle. He's always going to this particular secretary in my office. She's like 34 and he's already 50. Worst part is that he's the boss of my building where I work at. If I'm not mistaken, it is against company policy to most companies for management to have something with a regular employee especially if you work under them. Everyday he visits her desk about 7-8 times during the entire 10 hour shift. He brings her food, always gives her snacks. For some reason they always tend to bump into each other at the break room or the hallways. It would be very coincidental. There would be times that I would be in the break room when she's there. He would randomly come in and always chit chats with her. When my other manager is absent and not in her office room , they tend to hide there but obviously leave the door open. My uncle has 3 kids, owns his home and has a great wife. This woman has been divorced and is known in my job for pretty much screwing everyone. Everytime I pass by them, she's always caressing his chest , back or arm. I had reported all this to my boss but she keeps saying that she knows my uncle , that she knows my uncle loves his wife deeply. I said yeah sure deep enough that he's constantly wanting to touch another woman's hand right in front of a person who has close ties with the family. The girl basically does nothing at the office, it's mostly me and 3 other girls doing her Job. The secretary ends up getting a promotion as supervisor. My uncle and my boss are basically the decision makers . So I had told my boss if this continues I will report this to HR and directly to his wife. I also said I am also convinced that her promotion was rigged because of a certain influence. I need advice on what to do. Though I had this talk with my boss, they continue doing the same thing.

OP /u/DeliriousMofo has also been commenting "hmu" a lot on /r/bigboobsgw :coomerface:

my boyfriend of 6 months (25m) and i (19f) caught him cheating if thats what you would call it im not sure but he was streaming on twitch a couple of nights ago with one of his girl friends playing league of legends and he got a message from our dealer and called me to see if i would be interested etc etc when we ended the phone call i said i love you and he said yeah love ya and the call ended i went and joined his stream and heard the girl say “aw thats cute” he said its not like that and hes just a people pleaser and she agreed that she was the same she liled to help each other out ive got video proof of it because i had a friend screen record it and send it to me that was in the chat aswell i messaged him asking what he meant by that and he said “ugh nothing goodnight” today i went to go see him and confront him about it and told him i have the proof and he said no i thought she said druggie when she actually laughed about him saying its not like that thats why he apparently said im just a people pleaser… i dont know if you would classify this as cheating but all my friends agreed with me and said he was 100% flirting any advice on what i should do to not feel sad about this or what this is?

OP /u/Far-Cat7261 has posted this same thing in /r/help, /r/helpme, /r/helpmecope, and /r/cheatersconfronted

Choice comment,

This makes no fricking sense. You should upper decker him anyway just to be safe tho

Be patient with me here, I sure lack a talent in storytelling. This happened about 4 years ago and now that my mom is no longer at her current job I feel I can post about this incident. To give you some of a background, I live in a somewhat small town. My family has lived here for years. It is one of those towns where growing up I had to be on my best behavior because everyone knows everyone. One time I was picked up by some friends who were egging before picking me up and by the time I got home my mom had already had 3 phone calls from people telling on me that I was in the car that was egging. Everyone knows everyone and everyone is related to everyone. My grandma was very involved in the community and everyone calls her grandma. My mom is also very involved in the community and I swear she knows everyone. She also was on the school board and President at the time of the event that I am about to share…

… Talk about small town drama. This mayor is still the current mayor. Constantly, we see her breaking rules and she continues to create conflicts of interest for herself. Were we the buttholes in this situation? Should we just forget it and move on? Do we have the right to be mad still?

OP /u/lsha052513 has posted this same story in /r/smalltownstories, /r/AITAH, and /r/entitledpeople. Has otherwise been a Redditor for eight years and posts a lot in /r/LittlePeopleBigWorld

Choice comment,

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.

I'm currently involved in a musical production, and we've been facing some backstage drama that's been causing tensions among the cast and crew. It all started with a simple comment that got twisted into rumors and escalated into unnecessary conflict. I believe that clear communication and strategies for conflict resolution are crucial in preventing such situations.

I'm reaching out to you all for advice and tips: Have you been in a similar situation in a musical or theatrical production? How did you and your team handle backstage drama effectively? Do you have any strategies or best practices to share that can help reduce conflicts and promote a positive environment backstage?

I'm looking for insights, personal experiences, or any advice you may have on fostering a harmonious and drama-free environment behind the scenes of a production.

Your input and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and helping our musical production run smoothly and harmoniously.

OP /u/JediWilliam has been a Redditor for four years and posts in /r/neurodivergentadults.

Choice comment thread,

OP: Just to clarify, when you use the word orgy, are you being humorous or does it mean something else that what I think it does?

Just an FYI you are in the wrong sub for this kind of advice/ question

OP: What's sub should I be in?

You're in the right place for orgy content. Bussy, am I right?

My best friend recently broke up with his 5-month girlfriend (let's call her X) cause he found out she was cheating. Recently his ex's best friend contacted him accusing him of cheating on X from the beginning and she claimed that her best friend never cheated on him. Looking at this I got pissed and told him to block her cause what's over is over and there is no use in flipping the pages. He refused and told me that he wanted to prove his innocence and also wanted to prove her disloyalty...

... He called me an AH and stopped talking to me.


OP deleted the account. Choice comments,

AITA Posting on the drama's so over.

We were still reeling from the shock of colonization a month ago

nta hes not entitled to that information and honestly sounds like obsessive behavior

Normal comment? :marseyclueless:

INFO - Does your best friend have a breedable boykitty?

OP chose to respond to this one :marseythonk:

I am a freshman in college, trying to figure out my roommate situation. I will use fake names to keep it confidential. I have a verbal agreement to room with Bob and Joe. After we made the verbal agreement, Joe started to act differently, especially after he got his girlfriend Mary. Bob and I have decided that rooming with Joe is going to cause a big headache throughout the year, because Joe and Mary have problems all the time. The plot thickens due to my girlfriend being Mary's roommate next year, so I feel like I will screw everything up if I tell Joe that I don't wanna room with him anymore. What should I do? Joe also has bad hygiene. It would be fine if Joe had his own room, but we do not want to get screwed over in a triple room, because Joe has Mary sleep over ALL THE TIME.

OP /u/drewevansss has been a Redditor for four years and posted this same story in /advice and /college. Otherwise posts in /r/askreddit and /r/oldschoolcool.

Choice comments,

They fear your powers - that's why Joe “smells”; he is giving out anxiety/stress pheromones.

Just play it cool for now and write every interaction and observation in a notebook. Add runes for extra effect. Give it to them after you all graduate.

They will read the words and fondly remember the good times — or they may launch an attack.

In the event of the latter, you are free to use your powers wisely. Just make sure that Mary stays besties with your girlfriend to avoid this.

Alternatively, get some febreeze and spritz it on Joe.

To which OP replies,

Should I tell Joe that Bob and I don't wanna room with you anymore? :clueless:

Going back it seems like the sub was partially reborn a month back when text posts started showing up again. Initially we were the ones making posts again like with Lapp's Taco Bell Insider Information and a Lawlz post but it also didn't take long at all for what might have been the first normal post to appear.

So there's a dude at work who I would run into every now and then and we'd always say “what's up” and give a fist bump. We also go to the same gym and we'd happen to see each other there as well. As of several months ago he started dating a girl who works with us and ever since he started dating her, he seems to have gotten colder and saltier towards me. Almost as if he thinks I'm after his girl or something. I had the same scenario happen with one of my friends but we settled it and I made it clear I wasn't trying to steal his girlfriend (they broke up a few months later lol). Now whenever we cross paths or run into each other, all I get is a mean mug and a stare. Like, why are people so insecure? Is it something to do with me? I hate when this happens but it seems to happen every so often.

OP /u/Visible_Ad_2990 has been a Redditor for three years and posts in places like /r/veteransaffairs, /r/invisalign, and /r/phenotypes. Did this man start rDrama's second life as a normie sub? Otherwise it might have been this post but it's a little r-slurred

Choice comment,

Dating a foid made him realize he actually likes bussy, and he is only mean to you cause he has a crush on you.

OP responded to the normal seeming comment

Do you have contact with either of these significant others? Maybe friendly interactions were misinterpreted as desire and ticked off the boyfriends?


are you good looking? Maybe they are insecure with having you around if their girlfriend mentioned you being handsome.

OP: I haven't said a word to his girl minus work-related small talk that lasted no longer than 5 minutes.

That could be it. Some guys get weird and territorial even if their relationship is completely unthreatened if someone is around they deem a threat.

OP: Makes sense. Makes it even worse when it's in the workplace.

Anyway maybe I've fallen entirely for bait and/or maybe I'm a little :marseyslowpoke: here but I just wanted to do a thread for anyone who wasn't aware our once thriving Minoan subreddit has been taken over by disgusting Grecian normies. :marseymedusa: They're like pioneer species arriving at a newly born volcanic island, or in this case more like hardy roaches returning to the site of a nuclear test :marseynukegoggles:

It'd be funny if the subreddit took off again as a normie drama sub only for the admiggers to see the uptick in traffic and reflexively hit the ban button :marseyban:


!macacos !soyteens

Tried my best to doodle their pinkie! Any criticisms is welcome to this doodle and I don't mind updating it

woa this might be even worse

"she looks ugly" and it just looks like a regular person youd see in real life

i want a detailed description of whats supposedly ugly ab this design w out them being colorist! never seen anyone like this in my life lololol

have you considered talking to real people instead of playing royal high all day

31.5k posts telling ppl to go outside insane projection



edtwt stays online and inside too much looking at pinterest girls they forgot what other people also look like

Is this the female equivalent of accusing people of being a porn addict?

Do you live in Chernobyl?

It looks like a racist Wojack dude what are you talking about

Incomprehensible woahjacks from Bahia, Brazil :marseyskull:

bro living in ohio

Normalise having average looking characters

normalise not looking like a runway model

girl looks so freaking happy and that's one of the many things that makes a person pretty, imo

The issue is that artists make inclusive POC and LGBT characters ugly as frick while the generic cis white straight characters are pinnacles of beauty.

This literally feels borderline racist like... No, that's not an average person look. That looks like some sort of wojack or minstrel cartoon ☠️☠️

literally. she IS pretty. i saw people jumping thru hoops in the replies trying to make this problematic which is really funny

She looks like a racist wojack made by some neonazi on 4chan

This design looks cute @RobotinTheVoid

^^ Twitter needs to stfu and stop bullying a child

the mlp fandom when artists ' human versions of magical rainbow ponies look like a regular human and not a supermodel ( the whole point of the show is friendship and accepting people for who they are )

Darn apparently every character ever needs to follow strict societal beauty standards rooted in white supremacy….

she's so pretty, i have a friend who looks like her

hope your friend doesn't know you think they look like this.

God forbid a black girl have braces ig??? seriously what is their issue

Babe its the… face….

nah learning that the artist is white made this whole discussion flip for me

Ok but that specifically looks like satire...

as a black girl, it's really aggravating when people draw us in these..unsightly ways and then try to gaslight us into thinking this is what every other black woman looks like. "this is what an average person looks like" average person here, no the frick its not!

like its just smth abt making the poc headcanons god awful ugly that doesnt sit well with me like lets think inwards on why yall wanna make the poc headcanons fat and ugly

the drawing is literally bordering on racist wojack and they're like "she's pretty!!!!"

imagine if the person who drew these was a very very VERY white person LOL

sources are saying theyre white


Why do they always make these exaggerated drawings ugly as sin. Black people are beautiful... this feels like racist insults every single time.🤦‍♂️

If I was told this was a right wing meme made specifically to make fun of :!marseytrain:s I would believe you

I've seen actual racist caricatures of black people that looked better than this.

"She's pretty wym"

my good friend spoke about this before

Hear me out...

I look like this


I did not write this, someone else wrote this, I am just reposting this because I found it funny.

taken from:

Disclaimer: I am not a part either of the Bleached or Blacked communities, while that may benefit me in terms of neutrality and bias, it also means I am an outsider without full knowledge of this community and am likely to be prone to misconceptions and false information. This was also published in 2021 so the drama might have progressed or slided into irrelevancy.

For further context:

Read this first:

On 4chan there is a hidden board for off topic threads, /trash/, which has basically devolved into /vg/ but for specific fetishes and also a de-facto furry board since none of the other boards allow furry porn.

A quick guide to the terminology: Bleached = nonwhite women (or men) being fucked by white men, often accompanied by a queen of hearts (QoH) symbol, Blacked = nonblack women (or men) being fucked by black men, often accompanied with a queen of spades (QoS) symbol, Findom = financial domination, men being sexually aroused by donating money, often in a bdsm context.

Also some of the links have been changed because wakarimasen is dead

Now onto the actual text:

D.Va or Hana is the former owner of the Bleachbooru as well as the its precursor the qohbooru, she has been an integral part of the bleached community since its infancy back in 2018, she is an alleged female of chinese descent, she probably also has some added korean admixture (northern china/shenyang area?)

She has used multiple names over her online career, 'D.Va', 'Hana', 'Her', 'Empress' and the list goes on, for convenience I will only refer to her as 'Hana', Hana derives from "Hana Song" the real name of the Korean Overwatch character known as D.Va.

Before going deeper Lets lay down some facts that are widely known about her:

  • She is really into raceplay.

  • She loves female overwatch characters and especially

  • She loves the World of Warcraft universe. Elfs, draenei and raceplay involving orcs.

  • She loves League of Legends and its female champions, mostly the K/DA crew but others too.

  • She is Hyper-online, she used to run the discord servers and the booru, she also spends a lot of time ERPing on discord, she writes a ton of smut literature she even does raceplay edits.

  • Another thing she does online is findomming, she is very well known in the 4chan/trash community as the 'based D.Va findomme'

  • Lastly, she is into hololive streamers.

Anyone that has been around Hana for any significant amount of time can confirm all of the points above.

I will proceed by presenting publicly accessible information involving Hana and her presence online, I will attempt to build a better picture of her online activities and I will ultimately attempt to prove her connections to /BLACKED/

Section 1: Orced

source: her orced discord server

Sometime during the end of last year Hana decided that /BLEACHED/ was too vanilla for her (pun indented) and so she moved to greener pastures (pun intended) by creating /Orced/.

She single-handedly edited a ton of Orced content but this project ended up going nowhere... thank god there aren't enough WoW rottbrain burn-outs to sustain such stupid fetish.

Case you haven't noticed this is basically /blacked/ covered with chlorophyll, she was still running /Bleached/ at the time and the drama that ensued because of this lead to Hana stepping down as the owner of Bleachbooru sometime during mid to late January.

Do note the extreme skull fucking and other sick shit she is into, the discord server for /orced/ is still up and you can access it here:, almost all of the content posted by 'deleted user' is Hana as she keeps getting banned every week, more on that bellow.

Section 2: Discord


he has since got a couple more discord accounts banned, and the ones listed here have been purged.

Those are her last two public discord accounts, the left, (draenei) got nuked thanks to /beta/chads reporting her, she has also been banned countless of times by discord over the span of one year.

I allege that she keeps getting all her accounts banned because she is incapable of stopping herself from ERPing about CSAM, beastiality and gore on DMs, I am also sure she has some secret accounts too.

The account proceeding those two was Her#1922, she also had an account called Empress#1921 and Control#1921, more on that later. Notice how 1921 was the year when the communist party of China was founded, Hana is known to be an un-ironic ChiCom shill.

Important things to take note of are the servers she is in, namely she is in holo-Loli streamer discord servers, her draenei account (left) will be pruned soon because it got banned so if you want to verify this is not html editing you can simply send her a friend request and then check your mutual servers, otherwise, here is the 'join message' link for the gura's server:

To check this message you need to first join the gura's server

Also do note the date of her joining was march 18.

Finally note that she writes smut using the service known as it contains typical /bleached/ content and other stuff she is into, you can check it out here

Other activities of hers in discord are findomming dudes and erping with members of the community, if you are a female member of the bleached community then you probably have lewded with her at some point, her most recent rp character was a draenei from WoW, she plays as female draenei or futa draenei with a horse dick, I guess she now jumped to Stocking from PSG.

Section 3: Twitter


he has since deleted this account.

This is her twitter, She uses it to post her edits, she follows accounts like GB and fugtrup that pretty much only do blacked / hard NTR content, now this is not necessarily incriminating by itself as she might just be following for editing purposes but this also means she gets a ton of blacked content right on her timeline and she's ok with it.

Section 4: D.Va the findomme

Scratching the surface of her Findom shilling, source is here: 1921

She basically hassles mentally ill people for money, mostly from /beta/ and /findom/ and other similar 4chan/trash threads, what makes Hana particularly cancerous and despicable is is that she goes out on /v/ and tries to entice random anons with bait threads.

Here are some example threads of hers on /v/, they are absolutely hers because the discord tag and the cashapp link is often contained, she obviously has done that a lot more but jannies actually stepped in and banned/deleted many of her threads, advertising is bannable.

/v/ Example 1

In this thread we observe Hana creating a bait thread, then quickly posting racebait on her own thread, notice how the 4th (Reply 551789328) on that thread is a QoS tattoo edit that aims to create discourse, she will then proceed to do more same-fagging and advertise her services on discord. (Reply 551837228)

/v/ Example 2

Same story as example 1

She basically creates a bait thread, she then racebaits with spade tats as seen here 531495734 and here 531496585, then as always she magically appears on the reply 531497987 and she shills her findomming services, the only difference is that this thread got nuked/ignored, in this thread she mentions that she also uses Mercy as a findom muse.

/v/ Example 3

Again, she posts about her findomming in thread that has an Overwatch /BLACKED/ edit as the OP image.

/v/ Example 4

Again, she makes a bait thread, but this time she uses a very high quality /BLEACHED/ edit as an OP image instead, the thread prob got jannied fast before she got the chance to shill, this is also true for thread

which if you skim through carefully you'll notice the same patterns and even the same files used in the posts above.

_Doj guy is a known user of the /beta/ and /findom/ threads in trash, file found on archive._

This goes on and on and I wont list every example from /v/ but I will instead post some instances from her home board of /trash/, as seen on the first image of this section she has an immense footprint.

/Trash/ Example 1


We will kick things off with her making obvious insinuations that she is into blacked, this admission happened right about when she was giving away ownership of the booru and was the most angry and bittered with the /BLEACHED/ community and all the justified hate she was getting, perhaps some horniness and alcohol also played a role that night and she just let it slip, in any case, here it is, clear as day and very hard to deny.

/Trash/ Example 2

Here she starts a findom thread on trash, much like /v/ she does so so she can reserve the top post spots for better visibility and shilling... but something weird happened here, namely she posted her draenei character advert too, not only that, but both of those posts where posted concurrently at almost same second of the minute, which means she most likely posted them on different devices... which is really peculiar...

If you click view same on the draenei file you will find an anon with the same excact file asking for HRT money on another findom thread.

It is really too much of a coincidence since there's literally only 3-2 draenei findommes in /trash/ recorded history and she happens to have posted right about next to her undisputed personal findom ad.

Trash Misc Examples

There's a plethora of other trash threads and here are some highlights:

Brags about /v/ baiting, and also denies liking blacked, yeah right....

One of her first ever posts as bleached D.Va back in 2018, ah, so nostalgic <3.

  • [too bored to find]

There was a thread where she said she doesn't really care about what kind of dick her finsub strokes too as long as he subs for her.

Section 5: Typeslut

source https:///

This is where stuff gets really interesting, Remember that Hana link listed on her profile? Well turns out not many people use that service, and even less people post links from that service on 4chan/trash.

So by simply searching for '' on the wakarimasen archive a very interesting individual known as typeslut emerges.


If you read her stories you can see that she appears to jump from fandom to fandom,

Bleached, LoL, WoW, Overwatch, holololi etc, it just so happens her interests perfectly intersect with the ones of Hana, such coincidence.

Now there's more, not many people use the word 'typeslut' either, so by looking it up we find someone linking to an f-list profile on the f-list trash thread during April 1

Hana is also known to be a prolific E-RPer and f-list user, but lets see what we got here…

Section 6: F-list

source amelia

First things first, before we dive into the Watson Amelia F-list character lets check the other two characters linked under the same account.

Invasion bait bait

Invasion bait is about a korean chaebol heiress getting brainwashed and corrupted into being a slut by foreigners/enemies, it features some hentai of really dark skinned males and even dog fucking.


Although she never mentions blacked explicitly she does mention Orced, in-fact she links to stories and hentai that contain skullfucking, guro and other forms of orced heavy content, stuff that Hana is also into.



LoL Kaisa is a minor account involving a clout-chasing and fame seeking idol, Hana also loves stuff like K/DA and similar fandoms involving power and limelight, this is a thing many trannies/females are into.



Now onto Amelia, long story short, if you dig through her profile by expanding the 'case files' drawer you will see an interaction called Closed Case: The Five Pink Pips, she basically had a long ERP session with an f-list account that is a black dom that goes by the name 'black jacked' after that session was done, she compiled the erp logs and posted that story on her typeslut account, you can find it here:

If you read through the story you'll notice that she purposefully omitted any references to her erp partner being black, you'll also notice how she power-bottomed throughout the story and overwhelmed her e-rp partner, something D.Va also likes as she was one of first people to write about the femdom blend of bleached known as 'genestealing'.

Bonus: Elsa


Lastly, she has a 4rd character based on Elsa from Frozen, it is called 'unfrozen'.

using f-list character search to find chars with links

Although its is not connected to her main account it is absolutely hers as it shares similar themes and contains a '' link.

This character's description has link to a story that has a straight-up BNWO theme and its about elsa letting her life and kingdom get taken over by blacks, you can find it listed under her typeslut account here:

It is her first story on that account and since it's the only blacked story she has, it leads me to believe she really just forgot to delete it.

Section 7: HoloLoli


Now everyone kinda knows about D.Va and her liking for 2d streamers. You'd think her as a able-handed editor of /bleached/ she would have absolutely delivered quite a few edits involving holololis… but nope… if you go on the bleachbooru and search for hololive and filter 'hana'as uploader you will only find a singular edit relating to 2d streamers.

But… hold on a minute, you know what kind of people like holololi?

Blacked-pedos do.

Well in-fact, guess who created an account on the blacked booru right about the same time typeslut was lewding with blacks on f-list and Hana was spamming hololi emotes on discord and joining holololi servers. (Mid to late March - Early April)?


It is the user gozone that created their blacked booru account, a mysterious blacked editor that came in, posted their backlog of holololis including Watson Amelia and Gura and then mysteriously disappeared 2 weeks later.

Their account can be found here:

I am not an editing expert but people can spot similarities in the style of editing between the two.

At first glance you can see both editors like editing teardrop tats under the eye, Hana is known to use them a lot, the latest instance being this post on her twitter

Furthermore you will notice that although both of them are good at drawing Bezier curves, they both suck at 'healing'/'blending' and making sure the tattoo fits in nicely and is not too contrast-y.

You can always make your own evaluation but make sure you compare stuff from her twitter as those are the pieces she actually edited and not stuff she might have just uploaded, also do note that Hana's editing skills where not always as good as they are now, she kinda only started editing recently, also note that gozone was absolutely posting his backlog of edits that he could have kept stored for months before posting.

Section 8: Nail in the coffin

Now here is the final nail in the coffin: that gozone blackedbooru account links to a twitter account at it is since set to private, but worry not, because internet does not forget.

Through yandex cache I found an archived snapshot of that account, and we can see its actually affiliated with other findomme skanks, now what's the coincidence?

Well those are too many coincidences, and although there is no point where she actually admits being into blacked all-along, its beyond evident that Hana of /Bleached/ is undeniably heavy into blacked and was playing into both fields since 2018.

I wont get into petty leaking of dm conversations or information she has entrusted me with, there is a good chance this document will only be read by her unless she desires it to be otherwise.


She chose to put out everything

Hana expressing her views on the new booru management

Opinion on earl.

Opinion on the new server.

This is just us casually gossiping some time ago.

The B/BC D.Va is me and I am just using this name for trolling purposes.

She actually went back and deleted most of our messages in our convos, but its basically more bitterness and vindictiveness, talking about how much better her crew was etc...

Among her deleted statements was her admitting to have thought about doing blacked edits, and her admitting running secondary twitter accounts for erping and other stuff.

Here is her just now refusing a tête-à-tête Voice call with me on discord and then proceeding to allow me to post in public.

Update 1

Hana defending himself on my thread, source:

Hana came in to defend himself on my exposé thread, he posted some mundane one-sided chat logs, but he forgot and used an obscure file hosting service called '', this service is not really prevalent in /trash/ outside OPs and recurring, anchor-type replies.

Coincidently, our friend typeslut also uses the very same image hosting service to embed images on her stories, not only that, the notdva account also uses the very same service to host images as seen in this story: caption from typeslut:

Update 2 has gone from editing bleached to doing weird stuff like editing butcher lines on top of anime characters that imply there is some sort of cannibalism going about.

Here you can see him posting the butcher edit on the dft discord (Discord Fapping Together server) and then the same day going on trash and starting a thread where he unloads his collection while gloating on about how he got his finsubs to get into this depravity.

source to the thread here:

EFFORTPOST :marseyking: :marseyking: The Drammy Awards 2022 - The winners, and a recap of all the most dramatic events of the year as voted by you! :!marseyking: :!marseyking:

Hullo hullo my precious princesses! Thanks once again for taking part in our annual trip down memory lane where we commemorate our most talented shit stirrers and most r-slurred dramanauts alike. I hope you all had a fabby Christmas and New Year (I know I did, my Krystal daki finally arrived in the mail) and may 2023 bring us many more lolcows, dramatic events and gay ops that are just waiting to be discovered.

Without further ado, here are your winners of the 2022 Drammies! :marseyexciteddance:

:marseypopcorn: Best Dramatic Happening - The Darrell Brooks Saga :marseygrouns: (170 votes)


As far back as November last year, tragedy struck in Bumfrick, Wisconsin when an SUV crashed through an annual Christmas parade, killing six people. Unfortunately due to America being the horrifically racist country it is, instead of appropriately punishing the killer SUV responsible for the attack as reported by multiple mainsteam media outlets, they unfairly apprehended and arrested innocent PoC Darrell Brooks who just happened to be near the scene at the time - falsely accusing him of multiple counts of homicide. It wasn't until the trial got underway though in October of this year though that things really started to kick off.

Boldly deciding to represent himself in court, the trial consisted of several weeks of complete covcit style autism - here are just some of the many threads covering the trial at the time. :marseyjurisdiction:

Waukesha massacre suspect Darrell Brooks asks for his case to be dismissed since the victims aren't present in court.

Parade killer Darrell Brooks takes off shirt while victims' names read aloud

darrell brooks update: the judge yelled at him today lol

Mommy scolds Brooks for muttering about "bein' slick", Brooks declares that he will NOT be told what to do

King Brooks 👑 gets kicked out of court again for simply trying to correct the record

The tail end of the trial had a shocking twist, however; it was discovered that one of the jurors of the case had posted anonymously to a Darrell Brooks support forum, alleging judge bias and leaning toward pushing for jury nullification. Despite Darrell's best attempts however, this ultimately didn't affect the final outcome of the trial. More on that later though :marseywink:

After a long and entertaining trial watched live by many dramatards, Darrell Brooks was finally found guilty on all 76 counts of being black and sentenced to life in prison. This trial will have a lasting legacy for sure, and the fact that Darrell was unfairly imprisoned whilst Kylie Rittenhouse walked free will stand as a testament to just how much white supremacy has poisoned our proud and noble country.

:marseystars: Dramatard of the Year - @NewMoon :marseybush: (120 votes)

Narrowly beating out Chiobu's near-victory of winning the coveted user of the year award for two years running, HeyMoon takes the prize this year for his incredibly many and varied contributions to rdrama all throughout 2022, ranging from being the creator of our beloved robot dramanaut bbbb, being the main reporter of the Darrell Brooks trial threads, and also playing a very special key role in running r/Justice4Darrell that skyrocketed this cat forum's antics to unprecedented levels. Huge congrats to HeyMoon, you more than deserved this win. :marseygivecrown:


:marseycarpfisherman: Best rDrama Bait - /r/JusticeForDarrell :marseybiast: (197 votes)

Awarded: @Aevann, @NewMoon, @chiobu, @snus, @KissingerFanBoyNoCarp, @ACA

2022 was a fantastic year for the art of baiting (just compare the entire list of nominees with those of 2021's), but one particular sneaky scheme very clearly shone above the rest in the collective hearts of all you mischief makers.

A huge group effort from many prominent dramatards, /r/Justice4Darrell was a subreddit helping to combat the vicious disinformation circulating about the Darrell Brooks trial - enraging many racist Redditors and SRDines in the process. Even if that's all the subreddit had managed to achieve, it would've been considered a victory and one of rdrama's more successful bait subs... but one faithful post brought this gay op to levels that were previously considered a mere pipe dream.


The infamous juror post caught enough outside attention that it ended up being reported on by several media outlets, and eventually made its way into the trial itself - marking the first time that this shitty gossip forum had managed to impact a national court trial being closely watched by millions all over the country. The original poster eventually panicked and gave up the game (probably the wiser if less dramatic decision, tbh), but that didn't stop Darrell himself from reading the bait post in court and unsuccessfully attempting to use it to sway things in his favor or cause a last-minute mistrial.

There are already a couple of extensive recap threads documenting the whole timeline of events, so I'll just link them alongside some of the more prominent J4D posts here.

THE WAUKESHA INCIDENT: The story of how /r/Justice4Darrell interfered with justice, from the perspective of BlackJusticeForever (me)

In Case You Missed It: The final archive of the jury bait post, 2300+ comments of pure rage

reminder that the r/Justice4Darrell bait is working magnificently at the moment and it is your dramatic duty to participate (just dont make it too obvious pls)

Rekieta Law talked about the /r/Justice4Darrell juror (and I'm famous!!!!!!)

Recap of how the capy made rdrama's first successful bait sub in months

I didn't really follow the J4D saga until the juror post went viral, so I'm not entirely sure who were the most prominent participants, but I'll trust the capy's judgment on this one since he was the one to found the subreddit. Congrats to all winners for your tireless work!

:!marseypainter: Best rDrama OC - Escape from Predditor Mansion :!marseysnoo: (220 votes)


Awarded: @Dramarama, @SpaceMilk

This one wasn't even close to a contest. Dramarama's fantastic rendition of a homofascist neko Marsey escaping the clutches of the dreaded Reddit gigajannies was not only a great artpiece, but it was also a great tool for stoking drama and baiting Redditors when shared to the site's esteemed high-brow art and anime communities. A huge thanks to Berzel/Spacemilk for commissioning this piece and to Dramarama for flawlessly bringing it to life!

:marseystars: Best rDrama Post - RDRama's Best User is a GPT-3 Bot: The Story of BBBB by @NewMoon :!marppy: (138 votes)

HeyMoon's third award in his grand sweep of this year's Drammies, this prize goes to his grand reveal that the aggressive and abrasive user known as @bbbb was actually a bot based on ChatGPT and scripted by him this entire time - proving once and for all that you're all so braindead that even a bunch of lines of code can easily replace the good majority of you losers' room temperature takes. Even though there was some suspicion prior to the big reveal, plenty of dramatard regulars took the bait hook line and sinker, even our very own Pizzashill!

Also shoutout to the close runner up @TheGrillcast for his in-the-field reporting of two dramatards meeting up in meatspace to brawl it out - thank you for your extensive journ*lism, and immense bravery to head out and meet other rdrama users in the wild. You can check out his rdrama themed podcast here!

:marseylove: Marsey of the Year (115 votes)


Awarded: @McCoxmaul

The solid favorite of 2022. The many such cases Marsey, as well as being incredibly gosh darn cute and a clever little visual pun, has proven to be an incredibly useful and widely used rdrama emote - running the statistics, it was used in the main body of 136 posts this year as well as a whopping 1801 comments in its 6 months of existence. Congrats to @McCoxmaul, and thank you for all the other great Marseys you've created for us!

:marseylolcow: Lolcow of the Year (rDrama) - Krayon (sister toucher) :!marseylaptopkrayon2: (109 votes)

Surprising likely no-one, Krayon (sister toucher)'s incredibly persistent autism, alt-spamming, white-knighting, foid doxxing, suicide baiting and insistence that he most definitely did NOT molest his sister has rocketed him to the top of the list for rdrama's pick for the biggest site lolcow of 2022, beating out our old favorite landlet prophet and the brief but impactful flash in the pan that was Belial. Unfortunately as I write this, it looks like he's finally quit rdrama forever for realses this time and so won't be able to accept this award in person, but I have a feeling he'll be back soon enough just like the other 50 times this has happened. I'll leave this award on the shelf for you for when you inevitably return in a couple of days - congratulations! :marseyclapping:

:marseycow: Lolcow of the Year (off-site) - Kanye West :!marseyyeezus: (111 votes)

This one was the closest race out of all of the categories this year. By a mere four votes, Yeezus and his sleepy schizo meltdown on Twitter, followed by his ban, followed by his unbanning when Rocket Daddy personally intervened - then finally in a building crescendo of drama - his IRL /pol/posting on InfoWars getting him rebanned once again (as well as burning all his billion dollar sponsorship deals), has managed to barely push him above our beloved gigatitty teacher :marseygigatitty: to be this site's favorite lolcow of the year. Thank you Ye for irreversibly blowing your entire legacy just to grant us dramatards some fantastic entertainment, we really appreciate it!

:marseyjanny2: Janitor of the Year - @Aevann :!marseycapy: (105 votes)

Last but most certainly not least, our beloved capybara overlord takes home the award for rdrama's best janitor for the second year running, the first ever user to achieve such a feat for a Drammy award! It's hardly surprising though, given how much we all appreciate just how much effort you've put into upgrading and maintaining this obscure little corner of the internet that you carved out for us. :marseycapylove: Not to mention your own personal involvement in stoking fantastic drama with the founding of /r/JusticeForDarrell!

And that's all folks, I hope you enjoyed this (probably) annual event and aren't at all salty about the final results. 2022 was a fantastic year for both external drama as well as dramatic shitshows that we caused ourselves, but here's hoping we can go even further in 2023 with lots more fun and mayhem to come.

Stay tuned! :marseybow:

EFFORTPOST When whites weren't genocided - The Truth and Reconciliation Commission :marseyflagsouthafrica:

I've been put on lithium for Bipolar Disorder. Apparently it's potentially toxic so I have to take blood samples frequently. My psychiatrist wants me to be hospitalized again but I refused because I don't want to and I don't think I need to. I just admitted I have suicidal ideation but no plans. So long as I don't go manic, I'll still be able to refuse. I'm getting good sleep lately so I don't think a manic episode is coming anytime soon. Shit only gets bad when I only get an hour of sleep and feel fine afterwards. Let's talk a bit about South African history.

Following the end of apartheid in 1994, there were fears that revenge was going to be the norm. Several pieces of writing can be found on this "Swaart gevaar" or "black danger" that would come with democracy. Some whites fled, but many decided to stay and embrace the multicultural society. To help heal the wounds of apartheid, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was held. The aim was to air out all the crimes of humanity that occurred. Those who gave honest testimony would be given amnesty while those who were deemed to be politically motivated would face justice. It was also a platform for victims to tell their stories.

Instead of retributive justice, the country turned to restorative justice, which is an approach to justice that personalizes the crime by having the victims and the offenders mediate a restitutive agreement to the satisfaction of each. Victims take an active role in the process. Meanwhile, offenders take meaningful responsibility for their actions, taking the opportunity to right their wrongs and redeem themselves, in their own eyes and in the eyes of the community. This approach is based on a theory of justice that considers crime and wrongdoing to be an offense against an individual or community, rather than the State.

Do you agree with restorative justice, or do you think retribution is superior? Mull over this as we delve into the intricacies of the TRC.

Reasons for the TRC

It shouldn't need to be stated, but several atrocities occurred during apartheid. This is without considering the several freedom fighters who went "missing". Some of the most tragic incidents are:

  • In 1960, the Sharpeville Massacre occurred, an event that garnered international attention and outrage. When protestors convened outside a police station to protest pass laws, police opened fire and killed 69 people

  • Another notable protest occurred on the 16th of June 1976 when students in Soweto marched to Orlando West Junior Secondary School. Teargas and bullets were released, resulting in fatalities of children. Most famously, Hector Peterson was one of the victims.

Subsequent waves of protests meant that by the end of the year, the government issued an official (although likely underestimated) casualty figure of 575 dead. This was the heyday of apartheid, but it led to complete condemnation from the international community and sanctions were put in place. Eventually, when F.W. de Klerk came into power, apartheid laws were slowly repealed. In 1994, the first democratic election was held and the ANC was voted into power, allowing Nelson Mandela to become president just four years after serving a 27-year prison sentence.

South Africa experiences hope

Americans will be familiar with the metaphor of the melting pot. In South Africa, we have the rainbow nation. When democracy was won, a wave of optimism swept the nation. Along with this came the idea of the prosperous, racially integrated ‘rainbow nation'. The idea became so popular that the rainbow became a shorthand for a nation seeking reconciliation and unity after decades of racial and political tensions.

The TRC consisted of three committees: Human Rights Violations, Amnesty, and Reparation and Rehabilitation. For the first time, the TRC process allowed for the voicing of injustices rendered audible in the public domain, and harrowingly revealed the pain, grief, and trauma that had previously been borne in silence and anonymity by victims and their families. The TRC was also aimed at a restoration of humanity, and comprised a drama of national proportions.

Significantly, however, four kinds of narrative truth were recognised by the TRC:

  • factual – objective, empirical, impartial, legal, forensic

  • social or dialogue – the kinds established by social interaction, discussion and debate

  • subjective – personal memories and experiences

  • reconciliatory – stories about healing that were future-oriented.

The first TRC hearing was held on 15 April 1996 in East London. When Fort Calata's widow, Nomonde, let out a piercing wail on remembering her husband's murder, the entire East London hall, led by Bishop Desmond Tutu, stood up and began singing Senzenima – what have we done? – a chorus to her agony, those present taking on her trauma collectively. (Many who testified to apartheid atrocities were having to ‘speak the unspeakable', and were reduced to conveying their pain in a realm outside of language.) Fort Calata was one of the Cradock Four, a group which included Matthew Goniwe, Sparrow Mkonto and Sicelo Mhlawuli, who were murdered by security operatives in the Eastern Cape in June 1985.

Over 50 public hearings were held over 1888 days, more than 20000 reports/statements on 38000 incidents involving 14000 deaths were taken from victims/survivors (although only about 2000 were heard in the public hearings themselves, i.e. 10%), and 7116 applications were made for amnesty (of which 1167 were granted, i.e.16%). Amnesty could only be applied for in respect of acts committed with the complicity, if not proven approval, of apartheid leaders (e.g. the military, government and security forces) in pursuit of alleged enemies of the state. The Amnesty Committee concluded its work on amnesty applications by perpetrators in May 2001 (3 years after the five-volume TRC report was released in October 1988), but work continues to prosecute those not granted amnesty. Some ex-members of the Security Police and Bureau of Civil Cooperation have been serving prison sentences for murder, illegal arms possession and fraud e.g. Eugene de Kock, the Vlakplaas Commander (known as “Prime Evil” in the media), Dirk Coetzee and Craig Williamson.

Post TRC - Was forgiveness worth it?

Jacob Dlamini's text Native Nostalgia which discusses the possibility of the existence of a nostalgia for a pre-democracy past. In the introduction, Dlamini provides statements from South Africans who reveal a dissatisfaction with post-1994 society and a longing for the past. anxieties surrounding life in the new South Africa have resulted in some portions of the population believing that their survival was more secure during apartheid. Thus, while the arrival of democracy may have brought some hope to South Africa, views of the country's socio-political state after 1994 have led to scepticism regarding the possibility for post-Apartheid prosperity.

These views are exemplified in the case of South African Brandon Huntley who applied for refugee status in Canada, claiming that the government failed to protect him from racially motivated attacks. His lawyer, South African Russell Kaplan, claims that one of Huntley's intentions was to inform the world “what a sickly place South Africa is”.

The biggest setback is the lack of change that followed the TRC. The thing about rainbows is that the colors are separate, which is the case in South Africa. Arial photos taken by Johnny Miller reveal that economic divisions created by Apartheid still stratify the Western Cape. Using a drone, he captures how the segregation is not created by any natural phenomena but instead is caused by the manmade divisions of Apartheid. The photo below is of Lwandle/Nomzamo, a township that was designated for black people by the Group Areas Act of 1950. It was originally built as a low-cost place for workers to live.

According to a 2011 census, Nomzamo still has a black population of over 90%, revealing that demographics have not changed since 1994 and society is still segregated racially. These racial segregations trace economic lines.

Another photograph taken by Miller features Manenberg. This township was created in 1966 for coloured people after District Six and other areas were declared whites-only regions.

Like Nomzamo, Manenberg mostly retains its pre-democracy demographics thus over 80% of its residents are coloured. Furthermore, housing continues to be a problem and the widespread poverty breeds crimes and gangs.

Questions to ask yourself

  • Was the TRC a good idea?

  • Was justice served?

  • Would South Africa be better off with a tribunal?

  • Would South Africa be better off with white genocide following the end of apartheid?

  • Did the TRC do anything good or was it just a show to brush away a bloody past?

To end off, I'd like to post an interview with a jail warden who once jailed political prisoners but now works as a tour guide at Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was held. Do you think he received justice? Hmmmmm...

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Barbie for boys - an analysis of the themes of Barbie (2023)

It's good. It's actually really good. Let's discuss some of the themes the movie brings up. I'm quite surprised to see so many online calling it feminist garbage. It was actually a refreshing take on modern gender relations.

1. Men and shame

Although the movie is about Barbie, it pays plenty of attention to Ken as well. He is Barbie's sidekick, and he is constantly trying to get her attention. He goes to the real world and he discovers patriarchy, and he is immediately in love with it. After a lifetime spent in Barbie World, for the first time, he is introduced to the idea of male supremacy. In many ways the Barbie/Ken relationship is somewhat abusive, with Barbie not making the nature of the relationship clear to Ken ever. It is clear Ken is enamoured of Barbie, and Barbie allows this to continue despite the feelings not being reciprocal.

Situations like this happen constantly in real life. Unfortunately, we seldom hear about it because men are shamed when they are abused by women. In Abused Men by Phillip Cook, this is discussed.

How many of these red flags are in your life? How many make an appearance in Barbie (2023)?

2. Machoism

Ken wants to win Barbie's heart, and he does so by trying to appear macho and catch her attention. Machoism is a common burden placed on men. It is considered to be an essential component of heterosexual attraction. However, as the movie illustrates, there are harmful aspects to machoism and they affect both men and women. Let's turn back to Cook.

3. Idealized Womanhood

The central issue in Barbie is that too much is expected of women. Oftentimes, the demands are completely contradictory. Nietzche is often portrayed as being anti-feminist and misogynistic. However, many scholars have instead argued that Nietzche is tearing down this idealized image of womanhood, which is what Barbie (2023) aims to achieve as well.

4. Shunning of victimhood

Despite discussing women's issues in depth, the movie never portrays women as victims. In this way, it stays true to the history of Barbie as a representation of the potential and capabilities within each girl. As Kajsa Ekis Ekman explains in Being and Being Bought:

I would like to criticize this for a moment. Sometimes, it is necessary to accept your victimhood. Only then can you begin the healing process. Relieve yourself of the burden! Admit that you've been hurt and made to feel weak! stop holding the secret in.

5. Vagina and womanhood

The movie ends with Barbie visiting a gynecologist. This is noteworthy because she chose to become a real woman, which would mean she would gain genitalia, which she explicitly stated she did not have prior. Why is the vagina so intrinsically tied to womanhood? Why does Barbie only become a real woman once she has a vagina? Is a woman reducible to her s*x organs?

I don't have answers, but it is worth thinking about. Also consider how, as Ekman argues, modern women in s*x work view the Self as separate from the vagina.

6. Buying women

The movie jokes about the fact that Ken lives in Barbie's shadow. There is something quite interesting about this, however. It is normal and common for Barbie to be bought. Yet the idea of buying Ken never catches on in the movie or in real life. I believe this ties into how we view men and women. Women are commodities that are bought and sold. This occurs in s*x work, in the pornification of media, and in the unpaid labour of the domestic domain.

Though Barbie has no doubt inspired many women, it is worthwhile to remember that there are real women who are bought and sold every day. Their reality is far from glamorous.

It is also worth noting that Barbie LIKES being bought and sold. This is perhaps the biggest gripe I have with the movie. Though Barbie (Margot Robbie) chooses to be a real woman, the rest of the Barbies remain as dolls despite knowing of the existence of the real world. They're explicitly choosing to remain commodities to be played with, and they love it! Every day of being an object is paradise for them. In many ways, this parallels the myth of the "happy hooker" who loves being bought and sold for s*x.

Sorry for the sloppy piece, I'm writing this before bed after watching the movie. In closing, I really enjoyed Barbie (2023). Although there are some criticisms to be waged against its handling of feminist issues, it was surprisingly more competent than I was expecting. If you're looking for a laugh and some light-hearted adventure go for it. If you're looking for a perfect feminist piece, look elsewhere. My biggest compliment is that it manages to handle gender relations in a way that adequately explains some of the issues that modern men face beyond simply "man scared to cry" e.g. how to relate to women, how to deal with a society where gender power dynamics are shifting. I think men will find it surprisingly meaningful.

BONUS: Google the word "Barbie" for some fabulous!

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