
TL;DR A lot of people got mad at me for posting wholesome Bible verses on /r/Christianity


This story begins with /r/RoeVWadeCelebration. Now, I have a general rule when trolling to never argue for things I actually agree with, and I lean slightly pro-life on the issue of abortion (I'm more of a centrist, but I think pro-choice people have terrible arguments. Like I get it you are losing "freedom", but that is entirely tangential to the problem at hand :marseyshrug:). However, I couldn't resist a good opportunity to troll redditors, so I decided to try Christmaxxing (more on that on my other post). I had been meaning to try it, but had never gotten around to it. (trolling rightoids is too much fun)

I had some good fun trolling /r/RoeVWadeCelebration's resident lolcows, but I wanted to bring more actual Christposters into the fold (dramamaxxing), so I went to the most logical place to find Pro-Life Christposters - /r/Christianity. Boy was I wrong.

The Absurd Nature of /r/Christianity


the front page of /r/Christianity, on 5/15

Even a cursory glance at /r/Christianity will reveal that there is something very bizarre going on. Firstly, pretty much everything posted there has a rather liberal bias (compared to "normal" conservative Christianity). In fact, it seems almost apologetic for being Christian. And, more importantly, a decent chunk of posters aren't even Christians!


im beginning to notice something

So, what's going on? Well, based on my observations, /r/Christianity has three distinct groups of people that browse it.

  1. The Atheist Agitators :marseyweeb:: These people browse /r/Christianity in an attempt to debunk the lies of religion. Obviously, the vast, vast majority of redditors are atheists, so it makes sense that we would have a decent-sized population of them. They also get a lot of upvotes for the same reason.

  2. The Malleable (((Methodists))) :soyjak:: These are liberal Christians. They aren't very numerous in the real world, but on a site that is as predominantly liberal as reddit, they are the largest group, by far. (Technically, they aren't all methodists, there are other denominations that are fairly liberal, like the Universalists, and people that don't go to church). These guys make a big show about being better than your average Christians because they have New Good Opinions™ rather than Old Bad Opinions™. Since the itself Bible is fairly problematic, a lot of them don't believe the Bible is accurate.

  3. The Conservative Christians :marseyboomer:: These are the sorts of people that you'd meet if you went into most churches in America. However, reddit isn't kind to these people, being both "conservative" and "christian". Therefore, they don't generally use reddit, so they have a small population on /r/Christianity.

Because reddit is democratic, the "normal" Conservatives are pushed into a corner, while the rest circlejerk about how bad they are.

There's also something to be said about the mod team. /r/Christianity has a mod bio for their jannies, and my "biased" count shows there being 4 atheists, 7 methodist/liberal, and 9 "normal" jannies. So, the libs outnumber the cons by 2. As you would expect, the liberal Christians do be liberal:

I was raised Southern Baptist. In college, I went through a major deconstruction of my faith. The Episcopal Church is now where I call home! In the past, I’ve held Evangelical, Calvinist, and charismatic theological views. During that deconstruction, I was curious in Death of God theologies, Christian atheism, and other radical theologies. Now, my theology is again creedally orthodox, and highly influenced by liberation theology and contextual theologies, such as Black, disability, and queer theologies.

I live in Washington, D.C. with my wonderful husband of two years, and work in affordable housing. In my free time, I’m usually reading, running, or watching Netflix. Star Trek TNG was the most formative show of my childhood, but nowadays you can catch me on my fifth watch-through of The Office.

Even the "cons" aren't nessisarily even that conservative (I lumped my denominations that I consider to be more biblically focused together as "conservatives")

He plays electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, and synthesizers in church. He is also pursuing, part time, an MA degree for Worship Arts + Pastoral Counseling. He is a Libertarian NeverTrumper. MBTI: ENTJ. DiSC: C/D.

oh yeah, a lot of them list their Myers-Briggs lol

The Plan

Given the fact that they were so liberal, but it was still technically a Christian subreddit, I saw the opportunity to begin causing a little bit of mischief. Now, obviously the Bible is problematic in and of itself, with verses that condemn homosexuality and sexual immorality :marseypearlclutch: but that is so passé. That's ragebait and rightoid. Instead, I would post wholesome bible verses that have a somewhat prolife bent, and wait for people to get mad at the literal bible on /r/Christianity. I did this for six days.

Day 1: The Crusade Begins

My first post was 🤗"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139:13-14 👶. This one got 37 comments, and a respectable 69% upvote ratio. Despite the fact that this was posted to rile up leftoids, a decent chunk of the commenters were actually positive. Of the four top level comments, only one was challenging me. (Don't worry, things will heat up soon)

I did get a couple of bites, however. My first customer was a "gay christian"


our debate didn't last, however, it did spawn a WORDSWORDSWORDS debate between a conservative and him, so I count that as a win. My next customer was cumberlandbanjo, saying this "isn't the debate of the day"


wtf dude, you can't just post bible verses on /r/Christianity

Day 2: Nothing happens

This was a boring day. I only got three comments and they were all positive. 🤗 "You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews. You have granted me life and steadfast love." Job 10:11-12 👶🧵

Day 3: Enter McClanky

Day three was my first big hit. The vast majority of comments were seething. More importantly, our two biggest lolcows make their first appearances - McClanky and TeHeBasil.


First, TeHeBasil. TeHeBasil is an atheist, but more importantly he can never leave a conversation without getting the last word, which I stan hardcore. Our first conversation just kept going...


notice that he calls me rude. this is what you call foreshadowing.

...and going...


...and going...


...and going.


The funny thing about tehebasil is that he is super entitled, and gets very easily "annoyed". "ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO DROVE ME AWAY FROM THE CHURCH" ok so? you're already out of the church, why would I care? lol


TeHeBasil isn't my favorite lolcow, however. My favorite lolcow is McClanky. McClanky is a moderator, and a bit of an butt. Our first confrontation began with him posting a verse I had seen multiple times (lmk if any of you christcels know a good comeback for this, this is like the third time I've seen it)

Ahh yes, God finds everything so precious that He helped create a potion that, at the least made a women incapable of having another child, or, at the most, made her miscarry. Very precious indeed.

“‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse.19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curs—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”


clearly mcclanky had been aware of my emoji-posting, and had probably been stalking me lol. So I asked him.

mcclanky why do you dislike bible verses so much? 🤔 you keep coming into these threads to troll me 😭 i don't understand why 😭😭😭alright have a blessed day, peace

I dislike your annoying use of emojis 🤢. You also seem to not understand that this is a subreddit for discussion🙈. Your posting things related to hot-button issues😱. Don't expect people to kiss your feet🤮 and praise your intelligence🤓 for posting a verse with emojis💤.

ok. 🤷‍♂️ well i will keep doing what i am doing, bc jesus said that i would face persecution

if you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they keep my word, they will also keep yours

i hope you find peace, mclanky. ✌ have a blessed day

This isn't persecution. That is a pretty egotistical thing to say in relation to people who are actually being persecuted. You just don't have people agreeing with you.

"i hope you find peace, mclanky."

I appreciate it, but I found it a long time ago.

neighbor, you're questioning, how tf you gonna say you have peace?


Naturally TeHeBasil pops into the thread and begins doing what he does.

"ok. 🤷‍♂️ well i will keep doing what i am doing, bc jesus said that i would face persecution"

That's such a sad state of mind. Where you think you're doing a good or right thing because someone else said others wouldn't like it.

I mean, come on.

id rather trust jesus 👆 than mcclanky 🤷‍♂️ alright have a blessed day

Another funny comment comes from a self-described atheist

Also the way this person says have a blessed day peace, like normally I have no problem but the way this person is using it sounds like they are trying to end the conversation, like why bother posting on a social site if you are basically ignoring everyone?

One more thing. You'll never guess what religious group McClanky has ties to


oh jesus im really starting to notice things

Day 4: My Big Break

On day four, for whatever reason, my post exploded, and I got a TON of seethe, at a whopping 269 comments. It was also one of the weakest verses, because it was taken mostly out of context, lol. that probably boosted it.

The trouble with emojis

My favorite part of day four was the fact that so many people began seething about my usage of emojis. The top comment, gilded and sitting at 170 updoots, claims it is a red flag. So, naturally, I asked why

These emojis are a 🚩

Yeah, excessive use of emojis always causes alarms for me

what alarms does it cause? genuinely curious alright have a blessed day, peace

here's reddit explaining the emoji question

Reminds me of MLM girl bosses

say you hate women without saying you hate women

It reads like a facebook post made by a karen / "girlboss" kind of person lol.

why is it always karen? 🤔 really makes you think.

Why do you think emojis would be a good thing? Would you ever put that in anything important that you were writing? A resume? An obituary? A legal document?

the internet is serious business.

Emojis generally aren’t welcome on Reddit

That sentence is two words too long.

somebody call /r/emojipolice 🚨

For me its indicative of lazy writing. The person often can't be bothered with capitalization, punctuation, they often don't know subtle differences of words, they don't know how to write for brevity or emotional impact. Just “word bites”. But the most important one is that lazy writing often comes with lazy thinking. Use of emojis isn't a guarantee of any of these issues, I’ve just noticed a correlation.

ah so you think that a person who uses emojis is "dumb" for lack of a better word? 🧠well ill be the first to admit im not an einstien lol. ⚛ im just a normal guy that wants to praise jesus... 👆 anyways i think ill keep using emojis for now 😁 alright have a blessed day, peace

Not at all. Said nothing about intelligence or lack of it, but rather laziness when it comes to writing. You aren't bothering to capitalize or use punctuation correctly, but because you're too lazy to put in the effort. I don't blame you though, I think it's a problem created by social media where capturing a simple essence of an idea and the poster's emotional response in a visual way is far more “rewarded” in these social apps, than actually deeply thinking about a topic and putting in the effort to clearly communicate your ideas.

It has nothing to do with intelligence, but effort and expectation. You claim you're “just a normal guy” so are you claiming normal people can't learn to write, punctuate and use grammar correctly? I disagree. It's not that hard to do. We teach it in elementary school. If you never learned it, that's a failing of the school system. Again, not a measure of intelligence.

Lastly, you jumping to the conclusion I’m claiming you're “dumb” is a good example of a similar problem, not taking the time to fully read and comprehend. It seems like something which comes from having a ton of social interactions on sites like twitter where short emotive comments are of more value than in-depth analysis.

im just a normal guy who wants to praise jesus 🤷‍♂️ i really dont see what the big deal is😕anyways, have a blessed day, peace

this guy is super smart

Day of the Mop

McClanky appeared once again, and acted like an absolute butt. So, I had to ask the obvious question

God knew us before our birth 👆 he had plans before us before we even came out of the womb 👶 he knew us even before there was time ⌚which means that all babies are precious💎and so are you😀alright have a blessed day, peace

That ☠ was a bunch of word salad 🥗 that did not answer 😐 anything that I said 🥸. This verse 🙄 does nothing but say God 🤲🏿 is omnipresent.

so? 🤔 it proves that God has a plan for all people 🤼 check this out

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

alright have a blessed day, peace

God 🤲🏿 has 👉 a 🧞‍♂️ plan 🛩 for 4️⃣ people 👾 who 🦉were 👈 going 🏃‍♀️💨 to 2️⃣ be 🐝 born👶not ⛔ those 👪 who 🦉 were 👈 going 🏃‍♀️💨 to 2️⃣ be 🐝 aborted 👼 or 🚣‍♂️ miscarried 😇.

you sound kind of angry mcclanky 😭idk why you are so mean 😭 it doesn't matter, ill just keep praising jesus 👆 alright, have ablessed day, peace

Your inability to actually try to have a discussion on a subreddit dedicated to having discussions is weird.

i only posted a bible verse 😭😭😭i thought this was the /r/Christianity subreddit🤔im not on /r/atheism , go there lol 🤣 anyways have a blessed day, peace

Please do not tell me or other users to go somewhere else. That is a discourse violation. You are welcome to post on this forum, but we expect users to have good-faith conversations.

😂😂😂 this is a discourse violation 😂😂😂




I posted this back when /r/drama hadn't been completely cucked by the admins, but it had a lot of info and names redacted because of the potential dox. It's almost 4 years later now and probably nobody gives a shit anymore, so here it is again.

Our story begins in 2016 when guncel poweruser Topgunebay gives Kilo Guns, an Arizona gun shop, two incredibly rare Russian parts kits, one for Kilo Guns to assemble as a pistol and the other for Kilo to keep as payment for finishing the first kit. To Topgunebay's surprise, instead of fulfilling his obligation, Kilo Guns takes the kit he was supposed to assemble into semi-automatic pistol and turns it into a machine gun instead. That's a problem, because as a private citizen without a dealer/manufacturer license, there's no way that Topgunebay can ever take possession of the gun back in its current form. According to the ATF, once a machine gun, always a machine gun, so it can only ever be in the possession of law enforcement, other licensed dealers/manufacturers, or it can be destroyed. Over the course of two years, Topgunebay hounds Kilo Guns to get his shit back to no avail, while Kilo whores off his stolen Vityaz on Instagram.

lol he literally took a photo of the same angle every season in 2018

One of Kilo Guns' sponsored shooters even wins 2nd Place with the stolen machine gun at the 2018 Red Oktober shoot!

Finally in December 2018, Topgunebay has had enough, posting a long butt tirade about the ordeal to /r/AK47and copy pasting it to Yelp, TheAKForum, and some fricking website I've never heard of called Birdeye. Most people's reaction is "That's fricked up, but why are you bitching about it on the Internet and not getting the authorities involved?"

Turns out, there's no way that Topgunebay could have legally acquired those parts kits in the first place. The US has importation bans against countries like China and Russia. The only way to legally get Russian or Chinese military parts kits is if the guns have been sitting in a "neutral" country for at least 20 years. The stolen parts kit was for a Russian PP-19 Vityaz which didn't even exist until 2004. 2016 - 2004, you do the math.

>Kilo is one of the shadiest cats out there. Too many complain, but no one takes action. It's heartbreaking reading stories like this over and over. Call the Dog Tax Assessors Union and put a federal boot up his butt, ankle deep. He's earned it.

OP could also get the federal boot up his butt since the kit was illegally imported in the first place, lol

Explain how the parts kit was illegal.

It was imported from Russia without the proper paperwork which is a federal crime. Even worse, it was probably imported after the sanctions which means not only was it illegally imported, but it violated the Treasury department's sanctions, another federal crime.

It's not something I would publicly call attention to owning like this...


>You should maybe be cool and delete that.

Why? Everyone is telling him to call the ATF which I am saying could very easily end up costing him everything he owns plus a prison sentence. I'm the only one being sensible here...

The ATF is NOT stupid. The presence of a modern production Russian SMG parts kit will throw up red flags if OP reports this incident. The biggest violation here isn't keeping the parts kit beyond the scheduled delivery date, it's importing it illegally in the first place.

In short, Topgunebay is fricked because involving the feds would draw attention to his other questionably legal activities, like importing gun parts and military surplus from Russia without the proper clearance.

"hi yes, ATF? I illegally imported a Vityaz kit and then it was stolen from me, can you get it back?"

Or...orrr here is a solition. Drop an anonymous tip to the ATF saying he has the illegal kits. It hurts to lose them but at least you get to royal frick this guy over in the best way imaginable.

At which point Kilo Guns says to the ATF agent "Oh yeah, I got it from this guy who has a long history, that's publicly available on the internet, of importing gun parts, magazines, etc that are banned. Here's all of our text messages, email exchanges and his address."

You beat me to it, this is what I was going to post next. Kilo has a lot of leverage over OP because of OP's lengthy history of bringing in high dollar illegal firearms parts. It's all right here out in the open. OP has drawn lots of attention to himself by posting about this dispute on multiple forums.

And if OP ends up attracting the wrong attention, it might behoove members of the community to think about what PMs and emails they have exchanged with him to discuss trading, buying and selling things.

And then Grynchmob_Gerry who apparently has a bone to pick uses this opportunity to shit talk all the shady shit Topgunebay has done over the years within the AK community, including the aforementioned importation and tax evasion, price gouging and apparently being solely responsible for cutting off the flow of military goods into the US civilian market by fricking over his Russian contacts. Don't worry though, in 3 years, the Russians themselves would nail the coffin shut on the Russian export market for good.

So, what the frick ever ended up happening? Well, probably nothing. In February 2019, Topgunebay posted a photo of the Vityaz in rifle form on r/Guns so he must have gotten it back somehow. Kilo's only comment on the situation was this December 2018 Instagram post where he tells people "don't believe the haters, fam."

Kilo Guns is still in business and posting on social media as of May 2022. ATF and State Department clearly don't seem to care about doing their jobs because the newer AK-12 rifles have been popping up in the hands of American GunTubers in the last year.

As for Topgunebay, I asked around on gun boards and chat channels and the consensus seems to be

>He never shut the frick up about the Vityaz incident and everyone got tired of hearing him b-word about it. Eventually, he got himself banned or self-exiled from most of the popular AK/Combloc communities and no one really seems to care about him anymore.

A cursory glance at his reddit profile seems to confirm, as he mostly sticks to Austin related subs and his gun related posts don't get much engagement, though he still does stupid shit like publicly talk about drug use on the same account he posts pictures of his gun collection on.

Reported by:

Good morning, rdrama!

I'm told @MarKong has a fun writeup of drama in the works, and I'm as eager as anyone here to see what he has to say. It does end up connected to me, though, so I figure I should lay the important details out in case he forgets any of them. This is all going to be tedious metadrama, I'm afraid; I'm sorry, but it was going to come out one way or another.

The tl;dr if you find this sort of thing dull: I ran a blatant furry alt here for the past 6 months, started the furry megathreads, and helped launch a Groomercord server to hang out with the local furries; Marco declined an invitation so he could infiltrate instead; now he has a fun spy story to tell everyone :marseyhacker:

tl;dr of tl;dr: neurodivergence

August 2021: I come to rdrama as @Jackal because the point of this space is drama and leaning into furry nonsense while sharing horrifying furry drama on a site that hates furries seems like a fun bit.

September 2021: I write my first article about you guys; you're all kind enough about it that I feel I ought to create a proper account here and say hi :marseyblowkiss:

October 2021-January 2022: @Jackal goes mostly dormant; I notice a few furries popping up around rdrama; I keep poking around here mostly on main.

December 2021: I publicly out myself as a disgusting furtwink for professional reasons, news to those who chose not to hang onto every word of my self-indulgent 30-minute self-introduction essay elsewhere.

~January 2022: After weighing my options, I elect to increase my participation here on @Jackal so that I can keep @TracingWoodgrains around for substantive articles or other meaningful commentary and participate in a less obtrusive way overall.

29 January 2022: I decide it would be fun to formalize the furry infestation of rdrama and start a megathread. It's a roaring success in terms of both effort-to-drama ratio and chatting with random furries on rdrama.

11 February 2022: @AltAccountOkapi creates s/furry so we can properly dance on the corpse of Ruqqus; I join in the dancing. We quickly become the most-successful and most-blocked hole on newruqqus. Good work, lads!

21 February 2022: I misinterpret ambiguous messages from @geese_suck and @MarKong to @Jackal as indications that they know it's an alt of mine, so I confirm that the two accounts are connected. I don't care much for secrecy and anyone who expects alts to stay unknown on a site with Alt-Seeing Eye as an explicit feature is a fool, so I expected this to happen at some point. Once I increased activity on @Jackal, I figured "local fake journo has furry rubbishposting alt" would be a fun easter egg for regulars to discover; I didn't mind telling them and am grateful they didn't make a big deal of it.

28 February 2022: I work with a couple of friends here to set up an experimental Groomercord server for some of the rdrama furries, starting with personal friends and expanding slowly to encompass a wider group. On my part, this was for purely self-interested reasons: I've never liked the furry fandom writ large but I like a lot of the local furries and wanted to assemble a solid circle of friends based on the peculiar intersection between furries and rdrama (more on that below).

3 March 2022: Since he is, after all, one of rdrama's most prominent furries, we elect to send Marco an invitation to join our Groomercord. He rudely declines :marseypearlclutch2:

4 March 2022: I accidentally furpost from main; because of the way rdrama deletion works my followers can still see it. Sorry about that :marseyblush:

7 March 2022: Marco positively ruins our weekly thread by ghost-awarding it and announces plans to keep doing so; I whinge to the chadmins as @Jackal and Carp takes vengeance for House Furry by ghosting the whole front page.

Also 7 March 2022: Marco reveals that he's been secretly infiltrating the server from an unknown alt after declining our invitation to join; shell account @SneedCityUSA starts spamming "concerned user" messages and grass awards while quoting lines from server chat; drama ensues. It's all very exciting and I'm sure you'll hear all about it in Marco's roundup, so I'll just provide the lovely gift messages @SneedCityUSA wrote up for our shiny new grass badges:











(Presumably) 8 March 2022: Marco writes an epic about his infiltration.

A few thoughts on the matter:

I like hanging out with the local furries b/c a lot of the things I dislike about the furry fandom are mostly cancelled out by rdrama's effect. In particular, the site neatly avoids overly woke, tiptoeing-around-landmines environments while not leaning all the way into .win-style rightoid silliness and has a strict no-tolerance policy for libertarian or zoo rubbish, all of which combine to chase off most of the worst furries. More broadly, it's important, when you have an absurd hobby, to be able to make fun of yourself and not take things too seriously, so the relentless mockery of furries on rdrama is a public service that makes those who stick around here a pretty fun lot. I've been spending more time posting on @Jackal because I've been having a better time than I anticipated with it all.

I also hold that a furry infestation is healthy for rdrama as part of the initiative to blow everything out of proportion and make things as dramatic as possible, and to help spook .win-tier rightoids who freak out about funny stuff, but to be honest that's mostly just an excuse b/c infesting rdrama is fun.

I have no intention of shutting down either @Jackal or the Dramafur groomercord, or of furposting further on @TracingWoodgrains. I joke about it, but I do get that most of you guys are (understandably) weirded out by furry rubbish at best and I don't want it to distract too much from my writing or other projects here for those of you who are uneasy about furries but enjoy what I have to say on other topics. Sorry to those (particularly @Yall) who follow me in spite of furry rubbish and now get a whole bloviating metapost on it because of all this; all I can say is that I'd rather tell my own story than have others tell it. I'm a bit disappointed to be so visibly connecting the two accounts because I really do think it's more fun as an easter egg where most don't recognize me as me, but I stand by my words and actions on both and intend to carry on in much the same vein until I get bored.

Marco's good at what he does and he did indeed manage to cause havoc and panic some of our members early on in the life of our server. It's a clever work of drama and about what I expected from this space, successfully turning a comfortable conversation into a game of Among Us. Ah, well, that's what we get for setting up shop next to rdrama. Sorry to those of you who shared semi-personal info and are/were stressed about leaks; that's on me. I knew drama was a predictable risk, but I wanted at least a bit longer of comfortable, open conversation before something like this let all of rdrama find out about the space.

It's a good server tho :marseyexcited:

If you feel like you ought to have gotten an invitation to the Groomercord but didn't—you're probably right and I'm sorry to have missed you :marseylove: I tried to limit things at first to mostly the people I've had substantive conversations with, but feel free to shoot me a message either here or on @Jackal if you're interested in the server. No promises on timing or definite entrance—we're, uh, trying to tighten security up a bit, for some reason—but I'm always happy to chat. As a general reminder, keep in mind both that Groomercord servers are inherently public spaces and that we have no interest in allowing anything close to any ethical gray areas in the server. Adjust your expectations accordingly.

Anyway, nice work, Marco. You win this round, even if you're still a furtwink just like the rest of us in the eyes of most people here :marseyclapping: Next round's on me.

p.s. you should be sure to share the MTG cards story if you noticed it in the server. it's a fun one

Reported by:



Did I get your attention? Good also keep yourself safe. But before you tie the noose let me tell you a drama story in 3 chapters.


Attention boys and girls its time for more BPD whore sperg out.

:#marseyschizoshaking: :#marseydeuxfoid:

What's a V-tuber you might ask? Google it straggot. Tldr a person that uses an anime avatar to make twitch streams. Straggots willingly watch this to throw thousands of shekels at these possibly hideous people.

:#marseycatgirl: :#marseycoomer:

So what's the drama? See title straggot. But let's dive deeper.

Chapter 1

The post

So let's start from the beginning yeah? V-whore "Saruei" makes contest for her simps to draw fanart of her with the best pic getting 5k US dollars then. Right then what's the drama?


Well it all starts with this seethe post from Saruei here

Tldr: Twitch artist cry and piss their pants because they get disqualified from the contest without ever being notified and for bullshit reasons.

:#marseymalding: :#marseypainter:

They waste hours of their time drawing coom bait for Saruei (from this point referred to as V-whore), she bags the art and they get told to frick off from her simp armada.

:#marseygeisha: :#marseyarmy:

So what are those bullshit reasons?

Well first of all poor V-whore doesn't have to time to tell artists they are disqualified lmao. Why are they disqualified? Because their art is traced of course. Is there evidence for this? Frick off incel.

:!#marseypainter: :!#marseyraging:

The aurtist trying to contact her about tracing allegations get to talk to her groomercord jannies (dudes wasting their time simping for 2D kitty lmao) instead. They aren't exactly friendly some might even say cruel. What's the V-whores response to this?

Please look up the definition of the word "cruel", please.


Artists thus utterly btfo.

Carrying on. Other reasons? They drew her books too big. This is her profile banner btw. Yes the one I baited you straggots with. Don't forget to tie that noose just yet.


Any autist that didn't figure it out yet its all bullshit to get free art lmao.

Now anyway let's carry on to chapter 2



To maybe an r-slured dramatards r-slurred surprise only this caused a lot of sneed and pearls clutching in the mentally stable world of Twitter artism. So here is a delicious selection of their seethe.

:#marseysalty: :#marseysalty: :#marseysalty:

THE GROOMERCORD JANNIES USED THE R WORD and with video proof too. Yes someone recorded this and thought they have got got those pesky jannoids.




V-whore response? Tldr: Cope and seethe.



V-whore response? Blocked lmao.

This one is so hilarious I'm just going to post it. Twitter "people" man.

"as someone who has supported you for a long time, seeing you not only support the toxic bhvr of your mod who LITERALLY called someone a slur in a VC, but you also belittle the feelings of others & call them 'snowflakes'??? Man seeing someones true colors sucks 🥲"

TLDR: V-whore called some autist a snowflake thus making her a hecking chud.

:#marseypearlclutch2: :#marseypearlclutch2:


I will link the video of the jannie saying r-slur and screaming at an Aurtist here again

:#marseyraging: :#marseysob:

Everone involved in this is so fricking pathetic lmao.

Chapter 3

the aftermath

The V-whore did what no r-slur should do before the Twitter horde. Apologize.


There was actually a post of this with comments enabled. The feeble V-whore couldn't handle all the back clash though (as seen with all the blocking earlier) and disabled the comments. No more drama for us then. Well enough. The V-whore is seething. Twitter artists got owned again. This was all very entertaining. Rdrama wins as usual.


Well this is our conclusion then. Make sure to post a :marseycatgirljanny: marsey if you came this far to prove you aren't zoomer brained.


Also anyone posting "TLDR?" or any variation of "words words words" gets a 12 hour ban as I'm sick of Zoomers running rampant here. So you get to enjoy that extra drama in the comments. Cheerio straggots til next time.

:#marseyxoxo: :#marseywave2:

EFFORTPOST [effortpost] shane dawson's fall into degeneracy

As a enthusiast of shane dawson scandals, I believe it's time to try and explain every problematic thing Shane Dawson has done. Let's begin



Shane Dawson is a very popular american youtuber who mainly makes videos about conspiracy theories and petty youtube drama. He has over 18 million subscribers on his main channel and is notorious for his many, many, many, many, many controversies. From cumming on his cat to doing blackface.


Shane dawson has a LONG history of racism. In his early youtube days he made many racist jokes. But atleast he had the excuse of it being "years ago"

but now heres a more recent example

:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

and heres some instances of shane's past racism:

He has also done blackface many times as seen in the previous videos.

(this will haunt your dreams)

And those videos are just the tip of the iceburg While shane dawson has hours of racist content, most of them are just old edgy jokes. His racism is probaly the most boring kind of scandals that he has had. So thats why I decided to touch on it very briefly here.

Only one more notable thing will go into this category

while most of his racist jokes were made many years ago, which he uses as an excuse, the following video is extremely recent making it quite unique.

This video was made by shane to make fun of a singer he didnt like. He basically tried to own said singer by being blatantly racist in song form. So here is the video:

This song is sexual assault to my ears :marseyrope:


While in his podcast "Shane and friends" he said some fricked up shit, not only is this fairly recent but he said this completely unironically too

I will just let the video speak for itself

After getting tons of backlash over this, shane dawson made a video defending himself

I, shane yaw, my real name

Holy shit he's using his real name so that means hes dead serious im pooping my pants :marseylaugh:

shane has also had numerous clips of him kissing with underage fans

not exactly bad on its own, but considering his other statements it makes these incidents alot worse


In his podcast, shane dawson told a story about how he came on his cat cheeto. He never once stated it was a joke in the podcast

after three years, this clip resurfaced and people flipped out, causing shane dawson to reply with this imfamous tweet


then this old clip was dug up

if shane dawson made out with his dog, whats saying he couldnt have came on his cat. But we wont know for sure if he came on his cat or not

his apology

in 2020, many people started digging up all his old controversies and a hate mob formed on twitter. Shane dawson was cancelled.

Shane tried to bounce back with a pathetic apology

Nobody accepted his apology and shane dawson's apology

shane later went live on instagram and had a complete meltdown over tati westbrooke's exposing video on him. Thustly ruining his career

shane completely went off the internet and went silent until 2022, where he would start uploading videos again. But by this point everyone forgot about him and he was irrelevant

and there it is, shane dawson's controversies explained. Holy shit this was hard.

:marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:

EFFORTPOST [Effortpost] Korea's presidential election: Who would make the most dramatic first lady?

It’s the day of the Korean presidential election. The nation is at a crossroads, choosing who will lead it for the next 5 years. Korean voters must weigh important issues of policy, ideology, and personal character when make their decision. But we don’t, so instead of talking about Korea-USA-Japan relations or the Daejang-dong scandal, let’s take a look at the drama queens who the candidates married.

Kim Hyekung



We start out with the 55-year old wife of the left-wing candidate. There’s really not much to say here. She’s just your typical corrupt politician’s wife. When her husband was mayor of a major city she had a few members of his staff assigned to her as full-time personal servants. Among other favors, they took a government credit card and did all of her shopping for her, allegedly spending as much as $100,000. And when she wanted some kind of girlpills but didn’t want the prescription to be in her name, she had one of these servants get a prescription for it.

Kim Keonhee



There’s nothing typical about this 49-year old girlboss who married the candidate for the right-wing party. She’s been stirring up a typhoon of drama and seething.

The first big scandal to hit was over her slightly embellishing her resume. In Korea that generates an incredible amount of seething compared to just straight-up stealing money, so it became a huge campaign issue. She publically apologized, but this only raised more questions. Was she really being sincere, or was she wearing too much makeup to truly feel remorse?



What do you think? Is this bow sincere enough?


As the bitterly-fought campaign continues, rumors swirl that our second Ms. Kim is quite fond of shamans. What is a shaman in the Korean context? There are fortune tellers who follow traditions dating back many centuries to before the arrival of foreign religions. Think of it kind of like if European pagans actually still existed. Kim seems to be surrounded by a lot of people who follow those ancient traditions mixed in with Daoism, Buddhism, and just plain old nonsense.



If you don’t dress like this, you ain’t reading my fortune.

The rumors really blow up when her husband is seen at a debate with the Chinese character for king (王) written on his palm. He insists that one of his fans just wrote it on him because he was doing some real king shit. It’s unclear if he also handed him a crown and said “you dropped this”. The public was skeptical of this explanation and assumed it was some kind of good luck charm.



Seems perfectly normal.

Attention was drawn to various figures hanging around the campaign, like some guy known as Jeon who was caught on video acting like he was part of the staff. The excuse this time was that he’s a Buddhist monk so there’s nothing strange going on, but the Buddhists disavowed any knowledge of him. Some weirdo youtube guru also claims to be mentoring the candidate.



Master Cheongong looks like a level-headed guy.

Phone Conversations


The drama that had been building up for months explodes when the phone conversations come out. Our heroine Kim had spent several hours on the phone discussing the most sensitive details or her life and her husband’s campaign with a left-wing youtuber, who of course recorded all of it and dumped it all online when it would be most damaging. Why would someone willingly reveal so much to the opposition during a presidential campaign? I guess that’s just how much women like to talk about themselves?

It’s clear from these recordings that the rumors about shamans are well-founded. Kim insists that she doesn’t actually like shamans, she prefers pondering the meaning of life with Daoist and Buddhist cranks and getting her fortune telling from them. For example, she is already planning to move the guest room at the presidential residence because a Daoist master told her it has bad feng shui. More disturbingly, she reveals that she and her husband have made many crucial decisions in their lives and careers based on hocus pocus. It’s even what brought the two together. They both share a gift for clairvoyance. More than just a power couple, they’re a supernatural power couple!



Artist’s rendition of what Kim may look like after she has leveled up her power a bit more.

The phone call provides a lot of other bonus drama, most notably her explaining that the right-wing party isn’t getting metooed nearly as hard as the left because they do a better job of paying off their accusers.

The Pettiest Issues

Despite all this, my favorite drama about her is the pettiest kind. The Korean left can be quite socially conservative, especially when they’re trying to tear down a woman they hate. There’s been a number of accusations about her being too uppity and failing her responsibilities as a good housewife.

A top politician in the opposing party Mr. Song claimed that if her husband was elected, she would be secretly in control of him. The evidence? She speaks to him using an informal mode of speech. This generated some controversy when her defenders pointed out that women now don’t speak to their husbands in a formal tone because they’re not living in medieval times, and maybe Song was being really weird and MGTOWy. Song then backpedaled and claimed that he wasn’t being sexist, and in fact he speaks formally to his wife because she’s a couple years older than him, which just sounds even weirder.

They throw out everything they always say about women. She might have worked at a hostess bar when she was young. She admits to having had plastic surgery, an utterly shocking thing for a Korean woman to do. And finally we get to her greatest sin of all. When she moves into the presidential residence there will only be the pitter patter of 4 cats’ paws because Kim is childless.


So for some reason, it's taken Google until current year to figure out that maybe furry inflation porn isn't something they would want to showcase to their advertisers or shareholders - and have thus started demonetizing videos and striking channels that post furry fetish content such as vore and inflation that aren't appropriately tagged as adult content. Of course, furry Youtubers being the neurodivergents they are, see this as a personal attack on their community which is totally undeserved since the videos are "technically SFW", in that no genitals are ever shown despite that the content is unambiguously intended to arouse weirdos. They're also generally happy to let minors stumble upon this sort of content and watch their weird kink videos by hiding behind this excuse. :marseygroomer:


Leading the charge is Zaros, a self-described furry balloon :marseyyikes: with over 20,000 Youtube subscribers where most of his videos have a focus on... fursuit inflation. After finally getting a well-deserved termination from Youtube (later repealed) for posting this degeneracy without properly tagging it as "not for kids", he posted the following sob-story screed on Twatter.


Note that he paints this as an "attack on furry content creators" whilst omitting the key part that the actual reason for termination wasn't for the videos themselves (unfortunately), but because he kept stubbornly marking them as "for all ages" despite being warned and striked about it repeatedly. He also uploaded a video where he brought up pretty much the same shit, but I doubt most people here want to suffer ten minutes of a fursuiter whining on camera. The comments from his butthurt furry fans about the whole incident are pretty funny though so I'll link it anyways.

Also, here's a developing post on the furry lolcow ranch /r/RealFurryHours regarding this drama.

Interestingly though, after digging a little deeper on this Zaros guy, it also surprisingly turns out that this fetish Youtuber who thinks his content should be exposed to children... has also had recent allegations of libertarianism thrown at him for acting inappropriately around kids online. What a twist! :marseypedo:


He also supposedly attempts to dox and sends his personal army of inflation kinksters to spam/flood anyone that points out his creepy groomer behavior in the comments of his videos - which he considers to be cancel culture gone mad if you dare do this to him.







To conclude, this was supposed to be a quick funny write-up about YouTube bullying furries but I ended up falling down a rabbit hole with this guy and I guess it turned into a semi-effortpost documenting Zaros's mayo groomer nonsense. This drama still seems to be developing since he intends to take up arms against YouTube and he's currently filming more videos about the horrible fursecution he's facing, so stay tuned for those.

As special bonus content, check out this guy's account and have a scroll through his posts - they're really something.


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