
Short answer: no

Long answer: noooooooooo

Detailed explanation: No, because definitely not.

If they think it's unfeasible (we don't have the tech currently to do it on a large scale) they should at least explain their reasons

No. It's mostly smoke and mirrors. Why are fossil fuel companies so interested in this technology? They use the captured CO2 to extract additional oil from wells. It's just another distraction to avoid the elephant in the room and continue business as usual.

:marseymad#: :#marseyprotestno:

The answer is No


This user is surely negative

>comments in /r/adulting, collapse, WDP, :marseyreading:

I'm a chemist working on the (electro)conversion of CO2 into economically valuable products. In my opinion, making this process profitable would be the only way to convince big companies to significantly invest in the process. I can tell you that we are far from making the process economically viable

Edit: to clarify, I'm not defending that we should prioritize the economy. I'm saying that that's what policy makers/ big companies prioritize, so it won't happen until the process is profitable, which is far from now. We thus rely on different approaches to mitigate climate change

A sensible comment

Bonus on doomering about millions dying in India during heat waves just a few years from now

We are going to have a heat wave combined with power failure that kills millions by the end of the decade.

You get a wet bulb temp weather system that settles over a city for a couple days, and the power system goes down.

The opening chapter of the novel "The Ministry for the Future" is a description of just this scenario, and it is hands down one of the most horrifying things I have ever read.

Yup that chapter was sickeningly realistic

The heat wave deaths are then followed by a massive pandemic as millions of corpses liquefy in the heat. The whole city would be a biohazard for a long time

I just started this book yesterday and this post made me do a double take. I had a moment of like, “wait…that's too real”

!bookworms JUST LIKE KSR THE MINISTRY FOR THE FUTURE! :#soysnoo4: :#soysnoo4: :#soysnoo4:

Rip @Sasanka_of_Gauda @ABC and other sexy Indian dudes :#marseypajeetitsover: :#marseychudindian:

:marseyburn: :marseyburn: :marseyburn:

!engineering !ifrickinglovescience


>America built just 22 hardened air shelters in the whole Pacific theater


Wtf man. I saw 5-6 in a single forward field on China border on our side in a vid, how are the leaders in precise munitions not aware how bad a missile volley from a great power can be. Its just pouring some concrete on a steel structure too, you'd think 850B$ a year would buy you that much at least. And this is after 10 years of signalling rivalry with China :marseyxd:



Woke up for work to find out that my ex girlfriend, found my email and sent me this

Reported by:
  • WildStar : :!marseytrain:s trying to groom innocent dramanauts
100% Orange Juice is FREE UNTIL THE 19TH !!!!

>tfw no poppo marsey


Leafs are literally being replaced by Indians



Prime seethe harvest from :marseytrad: praising a bridge

Clickbait dravidoids into getting hinthi imposed on them aurally and textually :marseyagree:


Poors don't matter tho


Is it leftoids falling into the sea?





Reddit soys are already out with their predictable film-pseud defence "Duuude, this is going to be spectacularly terrible, I'll love it :soyjakhipster:".

These are the top comments.

Sounds like it has all the ingredients of a cult film, but not a financially successful one :soyjakanimeglasses:


Darn these Reviews are all over the place, people who like it are praising it highly, and people who don't are thrashing it.

Sounds like it's gonna be fun love polarizing films :soysnoo5:

So basically Coppola lost his sanity and made an unmarketable 120 million dollar epic. I'm so hyped! :bigsmilesoyjak:

120 million dollars to create something you truly love that others absolutely hate… That's the dream baby ! Cinema is back ! :soysnoo2:


Can't wait. It's either going to be beautiful, or a beautiful disaster. Either way, it sounds worth watching. :soyjakwow:


The reality is even the positive reviews are handling this film with kids gloves. They struggle to articulate what's good about it and are basically going "uhh...this film is ambitious and Coppola(an industry legend) took a lot of risks and we must respect it for that" :marseysmirk2:

Yeah sure :marseyeyeroll:

!kino !fellas !anime

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They're doing it God's chosen way (missionary), and she wants to elevate her hips for better leverage. Grabs the closest pillow to throw underneath, which happens to be his.

All of a sudden, buttholes are spreading wide open, poop is smearing rampant across every available surface, and pinkeye is the new COVID.

Bump Ancient Style :marsey300:

Needed this after seeing those awful haedes 2 designs


also like So foid decided to get job (paid leave) came to job interview and was hiding she is pregnant, it was in directors office, and She signed the contract and start giving birth in that directors office, and The companys now paying her birth leave :marseychefkiss:


Push-pull link

Maybe some knows a better tool for removed comments?


I love how foids writting size like that fricking matters, and She could been same weight but with height 6 and she would look skinny with her weight but we know she is probably like 410 so at that weight shell look fat but its whatever

I unreal hate fat foids, and Calling them self normal sized and healthy, and We also as stragot I mean like mature society also decided telling them the truth is not good since they them self know they are fat so we will support them and it will fix the problem and it worked, the obesity percentages multiplied by 2 in 20 years and by 2035 there will be 70% obese in US because supporting them and therapy is working

Joey Doesn't Like Water (Yet)


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